
Update Two Hundred and Eighty-Two: 25 February 2019

Tales of Berseria

140 hours playtime, 51 of 51 achievements


Ha! HA! I did it! I said I’d clear Tales of Berseria before the end of February and I did! (Unfortunately, it was to the neglect of Yakuza 4, much to my girlfriend’s dismay. In my defense, we’re in Tanimura’s part and as much as Shax likes him, I’m finding myself pretty unmotivated to jump back into his shoes… though once we get through him, it’s Kiryu and “Machine Gun Kiss” time!)


Tales of Berseria is the answer to and rebound from Tales of Zestiria. Set a millennia before that game, you play the original Lord of Calamity - a very, very pissed of 19 year old girl - and her band of misfits and villains going up against the Fantasy Pope and God. Exactly my kind of game.

I found Zestiria to be okay, mostly because dear friends of mine really didn’t like it and I set my expectations to the floor in response. It’s kind of basic, straightforward, no big twists or not anything particularly new to say. A rather staid result. Berseria, on the other hand? Following an epic fantasy story from the perspective of “the bad guys” (who actually, you know, do bad shit, even with a sad backstory to back it up) is really interesting! Velvet, the protagonist, gets to have an arc just like any male protagonist would (though, because everything has to have a price, has one of the more eye-rollingly ridiculous outfits I’ve seen in a Tales game), and she gets to be really angry and mean and scary and infuriating and annoying and grow up through it. Her story has nothing to do with romance or being a mother, which puts it in a rare, refreshing category.

Every party member is unequivocally strong and likable—for the first time in a Tales game, I genuinely really liked EVERY party member. No throwaways here! Even better, the strongest foils to Velvet are the two other female party members! This game also features my new absolute all-time favorite Tales character—Magilou! My same pal who plays Tales games disliked her a lot, calling her annoying and aggravating and that she never shut up and plays too much. That makes me nervous—all those are things you could say about me!!

The story is long long LONG, with several twists and turns. I never found that it lost momentum, though of course some things here and there could have been improved upon. I just liked how uncompromising the narrative ended up being about Velvet’s vision—that at the end of the day, your choices are your own and if people don’t like it, oh well! That your pain matters and your determination counts… but also that if you hurt people along the way, those consequences matter, too. I liked the emotion v. rational argument where being emotional wins out, even strong, dark ugly emotions, even strong, dark ugly emotions shown by women.

Oh, one thing I’ll also say, and everyone hold on to your shortz because it’s out of left field—the combat system was really fun! They REALLY took note of Zestiria’s failures and attended to them, paring a combat system down to something so simple, intuitive, and fun that even I, Duchess I-Love-Video-Games-Fuck-Playing-Video-Games Extraordinaire, enjoyed engaging with it, to a greater extent than I ever engaged with Tales combat before. The combo system, the switch-in system, how fluid everything felt, it was sick!

Don’t be daunted by the playtime—it’s a great capstone for the series as a whole and a lovely journey to undertake.

Next up: Okay, I’m hand picking this one. Something short and light to cleanse the palate! Madison got me this game in August of 2017, and it’s about time I played it!

See you soon!


Oh well done on finishing this long game. So from what I’m reading you did play Zestiria, so I’m wondering do you think it would be better to play that first then this game or does it not really matter what order you play them in. Just by the sound of your review it seems better to go for the okay Zestiria just so Berseria ends up amazing when you go for that


It doesn’t hurt either way.
I recommend playing Zestiria first and then Berseria. But you can skip Zestiria if you don’t see yourself playing it that much.


That’s what my friend suggested I do, and I’m glad I did. But, again: most of my enjoyment of Zestiria came from me thinking it’d suck to have it be surprisingly okay! (Actually, looking back on my review, I ALSO gave it a 9! Huh! Here it is, for your reference. It just doesn’t have very good staying power, perhaps.)


Huh thanks for the review link. I think I’ll play it safe and go for that one first. Maybe this is why Im the only one who entered the game, they actually read up on it unlike me who saw pretty graphics and the type it was and went BAM wishlist XD


yes yes YES about the combat system!! for the first time while playing a party-combat system did i ever go “oh this is fun!” when i discovered that i could switch in and out other characters at will. that was a very smooth experience, hope they keep it for future Tales games and that other devs rip it off for their own properties.

congrats on 100%-ing it!


Yessss! And I love how they did the combat artes v magic artes, where it was fun to play as a spellcaster in ways I never felt before! My favorites to play as were Magilou, Velvet, and Eizen. I’d be very happy if other games cribbed this system, yes!

Thank you! It was certainly a laborious endeavor and now it’s done!! … until I play another JRPG in another two months.


But now I want to play it xD


DO IT DO IT it’s worth it!


lol we’ll see if I have time, new internship is 12 hour shifts xD


Ichi-oku, ni-oku, hyaku-oku no kiss wo abisete yaru BABY!

Congrats on finally finishing Berseria!


I feel like I’m going to hear Kiryu call me ‘baby’ and I’m going to pass tf out

I am surrounded by so much congratulations I feel like I’m at the end of Evangelion. Thank you for your support!


I’m surprised you don’t have 1,000 hours logged in afk time to offset the actual long playtime. ;P Glad you ended up having fun with this one, kudos on all your progress this year! Hope Yakuza picks up swiftly as well. As much as I love multi-perspective narratives, it’s one of those things where even if you like a character there’s always ones you LOVE and anxiously waiting to return to. Can definitely make the pacing feel off if you’re not diggin’ some of the povs.


HA! See? Some games are too big for even I to idle!

Oh, I’m sure it will, we just need to get back into it. We’re averaging about a month for each game, which isn’t bad, and we’re right on target! We’ll be playing more this weekend.


Hey, just came across some art for a VN called Love Shore, it’s currently on kickstarter & has a 30 min demo. Thought I’d let u know of its existence, in case interested!


Thanks for showing it to me! I kicked $25 over to them. I love the art!


Nice, nice. :) Thought it looked interesting, fingers crossed it’ll reach the goal for ya!