
Update Two Hundred and Seventy-Seven: 25 January 2019

Four Horsemen

0 hours playtime, ~1.5 hrs actual, No achievements


Ha! See? No idling here! I started and finished Four Horsemen this morning when there was an internet shortage at my house. I had to play it in offline mode, so Steam didn’t record my playtime. Take that, bullies! Inverse idling here!

Four Horsemen follows four teenage immigrants from one of twelve different semi-fictional lands trying to settle into their new home. It doesn’t go well. I say semi-fictional because the game hints that those countries USED to be the ones we know, but for some reason everyone decided to just up and change their name. What background you pick affects things in the game - not simple things like what nouns are used to bully you with but also what the characters value and where they want to end up, as well as what slang they use, presumably.

The game overall is fairly short, and to be honest I didn’t really feel compelled to explore more. I appreciate what they’re going for here - immigrant stories have always been important, especially now - but it just seems… a little half-baked. Some satisfying moments in between kids saying memes at each other. The characters aren’t super interesting, either, and even concepts that could be done well are kind of just fumbled. I got Mariyya’s route, and while typically shit like that is up my alley, it just fell flat.

A kind of ‘meh’ morning, but, well, I tried. I believe I got this from a bundle, so it was worth what I paid for it.

Next up: FUCK YEAH I’ve been looking forward to playing this! Thank you based RNGesus

See you soon!


immigrant stories have always been important, especially now

Unfortunate that the game falls flat – one would wish for a better game tackling such a serious issue.

Still, at least you had a successful morning and RNGesus blessed you with a nice game (or at least one you were looking forward to).


I think it might also be very young people making this game? So it’s coming from a good, real place, just not with the kind of finesse I was hoping for.


Am amazed!


I have two modes, gs rafael: 150 hours in a game or 2 hours in a game!


Can’t believe you haven’t played Root letter yet, it’s fucking GREAT!


BRUH That makes me so excited to hear! I haven’t played a Knock Your Socks Off VN in a really long time so I’m due! That is… if you don’t count Yakuza, which I think the main storyline is barely two steps from being a VN+ c;


Well you certainly proved everyone wrong with the 0 playtime but lets see how much you have next time


:D …….. D:


I liked Root Letter. Played it on the Vita. Pretty sure I saw all the endings for that one.


I’m very excited what you’re going to tell us about Root Letter. It’s on my wishlist, cause I love Detective Storys and I love games with choice and consequences. But not that kind of VN where you only read and can make no decsions. So please play it and tell us your experience! :)


It is VERY interface-heavy - clickin a bunch of shit and doing a ton of actions.

I’m not in love w/it right now - it’s certainly very slick and smooth but there’s not a lot of depth or personality to it… yet. But I’m enjoying myself!


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