
Update One Hundred and Sixteen: 22 January 2017

Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom

2.9 hours, 13 of 13 achievements


Thanks to Lucky Thirteen’s warnings about this hidden object game being kind of average, I went in with lowered expectations. I ended up being pleasantly surprised! I genuinely had a lot of fun with this game, and it’s up there with Adam Wolfe, Mind Snares: Alice’s Journey, and the Enigmatis series as my favorite hidden object games I played.

Why? A bunch of reasons. First, Artifex Mundi Lady is back! The last few hidden object games I played didn’t have her in them, so I missed her. Second, I think this game just had a slightly better writer/translator/localizer at the wheel, because it was a little less clunky than the others, writing-wise. The plot is a little more complicated than it usually is, and there were more cutscenes than average, too. There were a handful of lines thrown in here and there that just were there to kind of characterize the people in the game, which I thought was nice.

Everything else is standard fare for a hidden object games which, if you’re like me, means you’re in for a warm cozy afternoon doing a fun, unexciting but rewarding activity.

If you’re looking for a good hidden object game to play, I’ve played far worse than the first installment of the Lost Grimoires series.

The moral of the story is I should proooobably go into every game thinking ‘this will probably only be average’ and let myself be proven right or pleasantly surprised.

Next up: My girlfriend told me to play -

See you soon!

Lucky Thirteen

Huh, so I see you enjoyed the game. Good for you, in that case you’re most likely going to enjoy the second Lost Grimoires too, if you intend to play it some day :)


I will indeed! I own it, and I have the third installment wishlisted. Someday!

Thank you again. I don’t know why sometimes this contrarian side of me gets activated when someone gives middling-to-bad reviews about a game I’m about to play that then makes me like that game a lot. It happened with Tales of Zestiria and now again with this, too!


This comment was deleted about 7 years ago.


Headlander up next… I quite enjoyed that, although I think it needed more tools at your disposal to be a really good metroidvanian


I’m pretty excited about it! I have such a soft spot for Double Fine games.

Is the combat difficult?


No I didn’t think so, apart from the one boss fight which was maybe a little frustrating? But I think that was more because I wasn’t exactly sure what to do.


Great! Thank you c: I’m much more on the ‘ooo exploring/collectibles!’ side of metroidvanias rather than challenging combat - this looked to be more on that end, too, which I like.


Yeah, I thought the Lost Grimoires games were pretty good…the kids and I played them in June/July of last year.
“Artifex Mundi Lady”…lol. :)