Update One Hundred and Twenty-Three: 11 February 2018
OKAMI is like Mary Poppins - it’s practically perfect in every way.
I think I first played OKAMI when I was 11 or 12, and I can honestly say that here has been nothing quite like it, before or since. I am thrilled to announce that it hasn’t aged a moment, and that this gem continues to shine on. I’m going to try to be as coherent and concise with this as I can, being as I’m still a little waterlogged from all the crying I did about the ending.
You play as Okami Amaterasu, the sun goddess, who has come back to life in the form of a wolf after one hundred years of dormancy. Like in all great myths, you’ve evil to defeat, lands to restore, and people to help. You can also press B to bark. The game is a love letter to Japanese folklore, and the stylization is based around sumi-e painting. It’s not just like walking around a living, breathing watercolor - you paint in it, too. The major mechanic beyond running, jumping, and fighting (and barking) is the Celestial Brush, and over the course of the game you learn different brush techniques that help you in battle and in platforming - calling vines, blooming trees, making the wind blow, calling the sun or the moon. It is truly a joy to play and its one of the games that most defly weaves together its stylization, story, and game mechanics.
Speaking of story, this game has a lot of it. Normally my playtimes can’t be trusted, but this is pure playtime - it’s not a short game. There are three distinct acts, each at least fifteen hours. The game takes you from small villages to a huge city, from mountains to plains, from the seaside to bitterly cold Northern Lands - the bredth of the game is breathtaking, and it never wears out its welcome.
Oh, christ, and I didn’t even talk about the music. The music is so good. Or the animation. The animation is so good. Or the character design. The character design is so - yeah, I think you guys get it. There is no fuller package than this.
Playing the game as an adult made me realize how much effort they put in to make this game easily playable for children - the main points of the plot, what you should be doing next, and solutions for puzzles are usually really overstated, so 11 or 12 year olds can still follow along. I don’t think it detracts from the game - in fact, I appreciate it now, and I appreciated it then - but it does break immersion a bit every time Issun, your little sprite companion, goes, “Didja hear that, Ammy?!” and restate exactly what had just been said. The main storyline isn’t too difficult to get through, but there are optional challenges and minigames that absolutely do up the difficulty - I am incredibly glad I had my more-skilled girlfriend to play with me, because she was responsible for dragging me through fights I, on my own, could never win.
Of course, there are downsides - nothing really is perfect, not even Okami. Speaking of Issun, he could sometimes be very grating - Hideki Kamiya is literally unable to make a game without objectifying women, and in a kid-friendly game that impulse is channelled through Issun. (The flipside is, though, is that sometimes I think Kamiya forgets… that Amaterasu is a girl… so when she’s oggling a character’s goofily bouncing boobies it comes off as mad gay.) Also, the game makes you fight its bosses multiple times, and that gets a little old.
Otherwise: this is a game you need to play, as relevant now as it was a decade ago. As joyous as ever. A game close to my heart. I hope, one day, it can be close to yours.
Next up: We’re going to play -
See you soon!

soma…it seems scary…how are you even going to handle it.

HA! Now you know why it’s been in my backlog for two years!
But now - there’s safe mode!

I’ve always been interested in Okami but I was worried that I would not like it as much because I have no nostalgic attachment and have never played it as a kid. It’s nice to know it holds up even now!

What if you hate Mary Poppins, though? xD Okami is one of those games that everyone seems to love, but every time I go to its page, it just doesn’t appeal to me, for some reason. Oh well ^^
SOMA though… one of my favourite games ever! :D

Ha! It’s a quote from Mary Poppins (the movie) about Mary Poppins (the character), but I get what you mean. Not everything is for everyone - I’m on that same kind of divide about a lot of things, too.
I’m mad excited to play SOMA! I think we’ll play it on Thursday. We’re spending Valentine’s Day (wednesday) watching the second season of the Good Place.

Completely agree with your thoughts on Okami, one of my childhood favorites and surely a 10/10 from me as well. Actually managed to be the world’s first 100%, as I like to brag, and I’m very glad I was! Completely lived up to my memories of it, truly a wonderful game. SOMA is also on my high-priority backlog, so I’m interested in what you’ll have to say! Cheers

I saw your post on here! That is something definitely worth bragging about c: I really loved playing this again as an adult because there are actually a bunch of things I never actually did as a child - you know, I COMPLETELY missed going to Waka’s house. I don’t think I got even ONE of the additional brush techniques.
I put the ‘get every bead’ achievement on my favorite achievements thing on my profile because I remember thinking as a kid, ‘oh, hell no! I can’t EVER get all of THEM.’ I think I wound up finding MAYBE seven of them when I was 11. I’m so glad I got to fully appreciate this game c:
When you visit treasured childhood memories, often you end up disappointed, because now, as an adult, you just don’t see the same magic in a game anymore. I’m glad that this wasn’t the case for you :)
And looking forward to your report about SOMA!
I’m so glad, too! I think it stands as a testament to the true quality of the work - in fact, I’ve discovered secrets and side-things and aspects of the game I completely missed while playing as a child! I think I can appreciate it all the more as an adult, and as someone who can see the magic of all these intricately moving parts making something so wonderful.
It might be a few days before we can get to SOMA, but I’m excited for it, too! I’m really glad about Safe Mode. I read up on the dev’s announcements about it and I really like how they talked about it, and how they felt that the game was scary enough, whether there was that tension with the monsters or no.
The only thing I’m a little worried about is whether we’ll be able to run it or not. We may end up playing it on her computer.