
Update One Hundred and Ninety-Eight: 9 July 2018

Selenon Rising

26 hours, 9 of 9 achievements


This VN+ has more than a couple negative reviews on steam, and has a ‘bad’ rating on VNDB… but aside from a few quality of life things and a far too high price tag actually isn’t too bad. Like Queen at Arms it’s just not spectacular. It’s an interesting little game.

It cribs a lot of things from its betters - it plays like a cross between an Ace Attorney game and a Dangan Ronpa class trial - that work out decently well. The art is averages out to good. I love the CG artist - is so lively and interesting, and the first episode sprite artist is also good. The second episode’s sprite art…. ehhh…. could be better. The story - a sci-fi romp that isn’t a ton like other sci-fi romps I’ve read - is perfectly servicable.

It’s a good story, it’s interesting… but it’s far too short for its asking price. The first episode is 6 US American dollars… and so is its second episode. I presume the third will cost the same. I finished these games in two days - and that’s ME, the VN idling queen. If the whole game cost six dollars and the rest were free updates, I’d be absolutely fine with it. But as it stands, the content doesn’t justify the price.

Next up: Okay, this probably isn’t going to be any good.

See you soon!