
Update Three Hundred and Thirty-Eight: 19 October 2019


2.4 hours playtime, 6 of 6 achievements


Ugh, Disoriented is right. I played this in three sittings, and at the end of each sitting my brain started to fry. If you’re sensitive to headaches or stomachaches because of 3D spatial bullshittery, be very wary of this game.

It’s an interesting enough puzzle game with the main conceit of walking up walls and having gravity change. There’s the standard amount of ‘extra shit’ layered on top to make puzzles more complicated - buttons that toggle ‘nighttime’ on or off to reveal or hide different paths, switches that rotate pieces of the environment around. Nothing too crazy, but nothing outstanding, either.

A decently easy 100%. Yay. … I’m gonna go lay down now.

Next up: And now for something completely different!

See you soon!