
Update Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine: 11 December 2018

Ladykiller in a Bind

55 hours playtime, ~6.5 hrs actual, 20 of 20 achievements


Mmmmmm, this is a tough one. I’ve always really liked Christine Love’s VNs—in fact, Analogue: A Hate Story is I think the first honest-to-god VN I’ve ever read. The issue is this: erotic content can be absolutely hit or miss purely on the fact that, how well-written or well-crafted it is aside, if the kinks explored therein are unappealing at best or triggering at worst, you’re not gonna have a good time. Because of that, despite how excited I was to read content by a queer woman for queer women, a lot of this VN was really hard to read. Kink content in general and BDSM stuff in particular are intriguing but ultimately alienating—what’s a fun turn on for other people is something that can really fuck with or harm somebody else, even if done right.. Funnily enough, the only thing I can compare it to, in some weird way that probably only makes sense in my brain, is my feelings toward cape comics, or metroidvanias—a lot of the ideas on the surfaces are interesting, and seem like something I’d like, but in actual practice most of it is just not done in a way I can enjoy.

And if you’re not here for the fuckin’, Ladykiller doesn’t have much for you. The framing narrative—you play a young woman forced to disguise herself as her twin brother on a cruise he orchestrated, and there’s some political things afoot—is really kind of barebones and is really just set dressing for the sex scenes. It was also difficult for me to relate to the main character very much—it is made clear from multiple sources she thinks primarily with her sex drive and not much else. The twin she’s pretending to be is a big douchebag, and to be frank she kind of is, too.

God, I dunno. The art is nice, though with how realistically drawn and proportioned the bodies are, having the faces be so standardly anime threw me for a loop a bit. The snappy writing sensibilities are there, it’s just… if I don’t like women being degraded and objectified and treated like shit when male writers do it, I’m not going to like it when a female writer does it, even if it’s to, I dunno, empower her to get off. The VN makes a big to-do about how ‘all power exchanges must be negotiated’—which is true!—but it comes off as lip service when you can’t actually do that in the game, either as the character or you yourself as a player (except, of course, by just turning the game off or skipping the scene entirely. That ‘my way or fuck you go home’ aspect of it, though, isn’t great). The game expects you to be into this and have bought into it already, and if you’re not, well… it’s not for you.

So it wasn’t for me! Not everything can be.

Next up:

See you soon!

Blue Ϟ Lightning

so I’ve only heard of lady killer in a bind once and it was in a rant by some guy on reddit about how some reviewer (translated into all women…guy was ranting a bunch) was trying to get a bunch of vn written for guys (nekopara mainly) banned for objectifying women and then turning around and getting off to this vn and the double standards involved.
the description for this was alot darker than just bdsm saying it involved straight up rape scenes.
was that random guy right in that regard?
I’m kinda just curious at this point considering you read through it all and I trust your judgement more than some guy ranting away on reddit.


Well, beyond that guy sounding like he’s, uh, definitely coming at it from a different angle and probably not in the best of faith…
Okay, this does tie into what I didn’t like about this game. In the Beauty route, the hardcore BDSM where you’re the sub, the Beast tends not to really like, or to initially object to, what goes on. She kind of goes to it, or is one of those ‘oh initially she says no but she REALLY is into it’ whiiiiiich….. is really……. not…….. great.

There were two sex scenes with men in the game—one has since been removed. The Beast, as she says multiple times, is absolutely a lesbian. She talks about how she pretty much has zero interests in men or sex with men. And then, uh, she has sex with men anyway.

suffice it to say, that’s really not great. That’s something that’s a very sore subject for a lot of wlw. Both of those sex scenes are transactional sex - fuck me to get something out of it - and the one that was removed, where the Beast is the submissive, seemed to just be VERY triggering for a lot of people. If anything was full on rape, it was that scene. Christine Love tried editing it, and then was like ‘you know what? You guys are right I’m pulling it’. Even in the scene that’s left, though, the Beast is initially very repulsed but then eventually gets off about it. It hits a HUGE trigger of ‘even if you say you’re gay, deep down you’ll like men still’ that is just - really - yikes

As for it being darker than regular BDSM - I don’t know a lot about the BDSM scene to know, but the focus on ‘degrading’ ‘objectification’ and the word ‘slut’ as like the main kinks doesn’t seem particularly out of the ordinary for actual-factual BDSM.

I mean, fuck that guy for making women a monolith to be a convenient target (just say u hate women and go) buuuuuuuuuuut I dunno. Pobody’s nerfect and sex is messy and there’s a LOT of intra-community discussion around sex, sexuality and kink. There’s a big rift between ‘your orgasm isn’t infallible, you need to examine what it means when you get off to, I dunno, fucking slavery or sexual violence’ and ‘it’s my fantasy and I know it’s fantasy and it’s empowering to me and I’m owning my sexuality’.

Does any of that make sense?

Blue Ϟ Lightning

its what I wanted and more and I kinda don’t know how to respond to the essay I was given />_<

thank you it still doesn’t seem…like my thing but it does seem nicer than I initially thought.
(when I have enough time to read a VN I’m going start the answer arcs for umineko \o/)


Ha! It’s not the most eloquent essay - I wrote it while I was in the middle of something else so it’s not as smooth as it could be. There’s just a lot of context to this.

That’s a fair conclusion to come to. Godspeed w/Umineko! I’m excited to reread the answer arcs at some point, too.