Update One Hundred and Ninety-One: 22 June 2018
I’m technically working two jobs - I do my full time job during the day, then, for seven nights, I drive a half hour to a client’s house to watch their dog overnight. It’s the last leftover from my dog walking job, and I am so tired. The house is nice and they have an Alexa, though. I bet I could say, ‘Hey Alexa? Could you guess what I’m about to write in this review for this mediocre bundled VN?’ and she could write my review for me.
I’m not appreciating these bundles, you guys <:,c
I’ve watched a few K-dramas, and they’re not that bad. This game? This game is the worst K-drama to ever exist. I was the exact target audience for this game - for a while there I myself was a ‘discouraged worker’ - but it’s just pure, unadulterated bullshit dramas. Add in a ton of slutshaming and unclear writing AND a really aggravating interface and you’ll have an unpleasant experience.
What aggravates me was that, while the sprites looked awkward, the CG art was pretty nice, and there was a good animation of the MC walking. I see you, art team. I’m disappointed in you, writing team.
Next up: Please be good, please be good, please be good - oh are you kidding me???
See you soon!
I dropped HuniePop after half an hour. I might give it another chance one day, maybe if you end up liking it and praise it after you beat it.