
Update Ninety-Four: 12 December 2017

Shadows on the Vatican - Act II: Wrath

9.1 hours, 21 of 21 achievements


Oh, man, I don’t remember the first act being this…… aggressively mediocre. I’m going to keep this review on the short side today because I’m pretty hungry and I want to take a shower and also I really don’t have a lot to say about this game.

It’s set in Italy, around Vatican City, in 2010. You play a former priest. You also play a hitwoman. They work together. They’re investigating…. crimes? Oh, man, I don’t remember anything about the first act.

It plays like (and makes as much sense as) a dimestore crime thriller pulp. It’s largely ugly (other than the competently drawn comic art that makes up cutscenes and character portraits) and pretty buggy. I had to replay a section of the game because the ‘put your mouse at the top of the screen to pull down the inventory’ broke, and it broke that save permanently. It was only by (lol) the grace of god I had a save not too long before that point. The voice acting is poor (or, at the very least, poorly directed) and the script has a really weird adversion to using contractions, so it makes the characters sound really odd and wooden and overly formal when they’re not, not really.

Hit up these games if you REALLY want to play a point and click, but you’ve played everything else. There’s supposed to be a third game, but I don’t know when that will be out.

Next up: It’s time! FOR BLOOD! (… lines)

See you soon!


Good luck with those Vampires! Sadly they didn’t work for me AT ALL! drop


Did you try running the game with the unofficial patch? http://www.patches-scrolls.de/patch/4647/7/
It fixes a ton of bugs and crashes, worked great for me and from what I’m reading below it worked for tsupertsundere as well :)


Nope, didn’t, but I had erm… had a few problems with it. So I will not try it again ;) :D


VtM Bloodlines hype! :D


I guess, I’m gonna stop at the first act. xD
Have fun with Bloodlines!


Bloodlines <3
Don’t forget to install the unofficial patch. :D


That was the first thing I did after I downloaded it from steam c: I went back in my BLAEO messages and wolfborn8 linked me to it. I got it set up with no problems, and I believe I will start later today


What clan do you think you’ll play? If you’d like to see some discussion on the topic, you can see my post from this past July.

[Despite Malkavian being the “winner,” I think a lot of people were just voting for their favorite clan. Most people seem to agree it’s a playthrough you should definitely do, but just not first.]


Hmm…. I really want to go as no-combat as possible, so I want a really high-charisma talking character. I’m thinking probably Ventrue in that case. Reading through the thread gives me a good idea of what that will be like, and I’m glad one of the first posts had a link to some cheats if “that part” gets the best of me.


Ha– I’d forgotten about the console commands! I really need to get back to that game. I played it for about 9h, then got bogged down in one way or another as I so often do with RPGs.