Update Three Hundred and Twenty-Eight: 27 July 2019
The first game actually made by Wadjet Eye and its head Dave Gilbert in a LONG time rather than just being produced by ‘em, Unavowed makes many strides forward for the point and click genre, but doesn’t ALWAYS stick the landing.
I think this is just me being a fuckin contrarian again. The game is good, one of the longest point and clicks I’ve played, the art and portraits and voice acting and puzzles are all on point, all the bleeding edge that Wadjet Eye has to offer…
You play as a (woman/man) who is ripped from their life as an (actor/cop/bartender) when you get possessed by a demon. A year later, you’re finally exorcised and freed from that demon… but your life is in shambles, you’re wanted for SEVERAL DOZEN counts of murder, and the people who saved you offer you a way forward. You join the Unavowed. Shit goes on from there.
The premise is dope, the act two twist is SUPER SUPER dope, and handled in a really neat way, a lot of the individual pieces are really rad. Gilbert has point and click writing down to a science, where he knows just how much dialogue he can get away with before people get antsy. Getting those little bites of story, character, perspective made me actively want to exhaust all dialogue options, instead of just feeling like I should. You go on seven different cases to solve seven different problems, taking you ALL over New York City in a manner and to a depth no previous Wadjet Eye game has. Each case ends with a choice to make, and while, upon reflection, they’re all kind of the same choice (your ye olde BioShock ‘spare or slaughter’ one), the circumstances around the choice vary it up enough to keep it interesting.
If there’s one thing Gilbert went HARD in the paint about this time, it’s choices. Each case can end in a couple of different ways, you can only bring two of your four team members with you at a time, and with your three origin stories (gender aside), there’s a LOT of different ways things can go. It takes five full playthroughs (plus a sixth one just to do the prologue) to get all the achievements. I was debating doing two playthroughs back to back… but I think it’s better served if I wait until 2020.
This review is more disjointed than usual, because I feel disjointed about this game. I liked it as I was playing it, mostly, but looking back I can only see disappointments—the ending is kind of abrupt, and the characters were more one-dimensional than I would have liked, not enough contrasts. A particular disappointment was Logan, voice by resident boyfriend extraordinaire Logan Cunningham, in his most subdued and sweet performance yet. (Boyfriend Rating: 10/10) I had SUCH high hopes and fondness for Logan… but he ended up just hammering one point over and over again, to the exclusion of a lot else.
That’s not even getting to the uncanny valley-ness of them pushing the limits of 2D pixel animation on a not-very-huge budget. With this being a much more action-oriented game, I REALLY felt the strain of all the characters standing blankly, walking blankly, brandishing swords blankly. I expected, or maybe just wanted, more than I got.
What I GOT was good… but it didn’t capture me. Don’t miss out on it just bc I’m being a sourpuss, though.
Next up: It’s been a couple of months since I played a JRPG, and I’ve been VERY nostalgic for Trails in the Sky. I won’t be able to play that for the first time again, but I have the next best thing:
See you soon!

It’s not the first game. Dave made every Blackwell game himself.

Thanks for saying that – was fairly certain on this point, especially after playing through again with dev commentary enabled after beating the first one, but the tsuper’s so convincing, I was doubting myself! :D

Ha ha, oh nooo! No no, I just forgot to finish that part of the sentence! Listen to me every other time except when I make a mistake, aaaaa!

he also made the shivah, and he’s usually very involved in the games he produces.

BLACH! Oh god, how embarrassing! I know that, I meant to say ‘the first game made in a while’. It’s been a while since the last blackwell.
everyone makes mistakes, lol!

If I remember correctly he said after last Blackwell that he won’t do another game because it’s too much work. Well… after Unavowed he is saying the same thing, so we will see…

At some point in the future I’ll play a Wadjet Eye game, I’ve heard so many good things about them on this site!

You should! They’re all pretty worthwhile, though some of the weaker entries (A Golden Wake, Resonance) might be bad places to start. My first Wadjet Eye game was Primordia, and I loved it. Technobabylon is also another favorite of mine, and the Blackwell series is very strong, too.

unavowed is by far my favorite point and click, but i mostly understand your criticisms. i thought the pace of the ending fit well with everything else. logan was my favorite character and i though he seemed very real, but i see that he (and most of the characters) had one primary trait and not a whole lot else. none of that bothered me though and it definitely captured me!

I’m glad! I WANTED to be captured so much more than I was. I recognized all the good about it, I just was waiting to get transported… but I never did.
Logan’s my favorite, too, though I also liked Mandana. Despite sharing a name… Vicki got on my nerves.

Had my eye on this game, I loved the one with the robots whose name escapes me right now. Only played the first Blackwell but that was a blast.

Primordia! Yes, that was my first Wadjet Eye game, too! It’s so good c: The rest of the Blackwell games are worthwhile, too. Hell, they all are.

Primordial of course! Loved it, was in one of the first bundles I ever bought.
I could never find the right time to ask, but since you mentioned it, now feels like it: Are you going to go back to everything you didn’t explicitly give up on in 2020? Or are you only going to stick to your beaten favorites?
Oh, not a problem!
I’m going to revisit everything on my ‘to revisit’ list, as well as games I’ve played on other platforms and got again to play on steam (BioShock, New Vegas, Ace Attorney, etc).
Now that might sound weird, but… I can’t wait for 2020! :D