
Update One Hundred and Fifty-Six: 18 April 2018

Highschool Possession

5.8 hours, 2 of 2 achievements


When it comes to media, I have and always had very strong, clear opinions about what I like and what I don’t like. I know right away whether I’ll like something or whether I won’t. I’m discerning. Choosey. A picky bitch, even.

But when it comes to types of games I love a lot, like visual novels, even I’m tempted to take a gander into things I know aren’t for me, just to see what I might be missing. Who knows! I could be wrong!

Not this time, though.

I’m not a big Dharker Studios fan, because while I love women, the way sexual relationships are written about women from the perspective of women and from the perspective of men are very, very different, and these games tend to come off as very… softcore porn for men.

I didn’t want to write them all off, though, so I picked the most tolerable one of the lot - hey! about mental issues! I have those! - and decided to give it a shot. And it was softcore porn for men. I mean, it was nice where the whole point of the game is these two women the MC is lusting after have inner lives the MC doesn’t know about, which is great… but then, when he’s inhabiting their bodies, it’s the MC’s job to swoop in, fix their problems for them, and then get rewarded with them as his girlfriend(s) at the end. Which. Yeah. Is less great.

Has somewhat more emotional intimacy than I was expecting, but is very Wish Fulfillment For Boys softcore porn time. If you’re more interested in that than I am, go on ahead - it’s a very very short game with very little differences between the routes except up until the very end. If you can get over the really odd artstyle (and the abysmal anatomy, and the too-realistic yet too-tiny noses, and the soulless, soulless eyes……) then you might find something here.

Next up: RNGesus, give me a good VN to play.

All right, all right, old-timey VN time. Let’s give it a shot!
See you soon!


Highschool Possession is one of the ‘few’ vns remaining in my backlog, it’s gonna be bad! there’s a reason I waited so long!
What do you mean by softcore porn? You didn’t get the 18+ patch then?


Ha! No, I usually avoid those. I downloaded exactly two, but that was because there were achievements tied to those patches being activated.