Update Two Hundred and Twenty: 26 August 2018
Two steps forward, one step back.
This game is longer than Abandoned, and has more coherent story and somewhat better, smoother writing, but it also felt less pin-perfect and less focused. I make no bones about how I’m an explorer who never goes anywhere without a map, so crazy wackadoo puzzles aren’t an issue. Several times in this game, however, I’ve stopped to marvel, “how the frig is anyone supposed to figure this out without a guide?”
The art is less refined than in the previous game - more unfinished edges and artistically sloppier (but less satisfying) coloring. It’s more varied here, though, so that’s a plus. They also added in hidden object-like footsteps each time you change screens, which you do a LOT. It gets a little grating.
Still! A decent little puzzler, with interesting locations and an okay story. Maybe they’ll bring the third chapter to steam sometime, too.
Next up: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird August!
See you soon!
I searched Paradigm out because it looked like such a bad game. The more I looked it up the more funny/fun it looked though lol. I hope its good because I enjoy clever weird games
I’m about halfway through Paradigm, and it’s not ‘bad’ by any stretch of the imagination. Does half the humor fail to land? Yeah. Could it be because I’m clearly not the demographic this humor is for? Yeah.
I am adoring the set design. It’s amazing.
So many point and clicks strongest aspect is set design. Environment artists are killing it in this genre even when the rest of their team isn’t as strong. I wonder how that ends up happening?