Wildstorm’s profile


33th week

In the 33th week of 2017 I've completed "1954 Alcatraz".

  • 1954 Alcatraz
    1954 Alcatraz

    9 hours playtime

    25 of 25 achievements

1954 Alcatraz

Is a nice little Point & Click-Adventure game, in which you play as Joe and Christine alternately.
It has good Puzzles and an exciting, adult crime story that can end in different ways.

With Windows 10 the achievements only work when you start the game as administrator in the window mode and the compatibility mode!


30th week

In the 30th week of 2017 I've completed "Half-Life 2".

  • Half-Life 2
    Half-Life 2

    18 hours playtime

    33 of 33 achievements

Half-Life 2

A small cute old game.
Just Half-Life 2.


30th week

In the 30th week of 2017 I've beaten "Portal 2" in single mode.

  • Portal 2
    Portal 2

    10 hours playtime

    29 of 51 achievements

Portal 2

A very extraordinary game, with a simply gorgeous irony. ^^
You must have played it!

I'm looking now for someone for the co-op mode of Portal 2 for all achievements.
Mainly at the weekend. - Possibly also in the evening.
Current UTC + 2
Someone interested? =))


29th week

In the 29th week of 2017 I finished these games

  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux
    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux

    4 hours playtime

    14 of 14 achievements

  • The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    2 hours playtime

    14 of 14 achievements

  • Overlord II
    Overlord II

    20 hours playtime

    no achievements

The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux

I had expected something else from this game.

Basically it is a pure walking simulator with nice graphics and nice story.
You walk around and don't know exactly where you have to go and what you're looking for!

Both games do not look bad, but there are still little graphical differences. - Nothing else!
Because "Redux" was made with Unreal Engine 4.


The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

This version has almost always lagged with me!
Besides, I've been stuck on every "ghost". ;D

Yeah, I'm a freak ... I've played through a game twice. ^^
Only for the achievements and because of the other graphic - senseless?


Overlord II

In comparison to Overlord is Overlord II also a nice little hack and slash game.
But the camera does what it wants, when I control the minions, it often stays in the same position.
I had also smaller bugs, where I had to restart the level.

Changes to Overlord would be:
There are now waypoints, which indicate to one where there are tasks and where a change of territory takes place.
You can recharge your life and mana with portals - very usefull. ^^
Minions can ride on three different animals. You can even control a Minion and you can also control a boat or a catapult.
In addition, you can revive dead minions, as they can now climb up levels.


search help for Portal 2

  • Portal 2
    Portal 2

    0 minutes playtime

    0 of 51 achievements

I'm also looking for someone for the co-op mode of Portal 2 for achievements - this Friday and next weekend.
Possibly also in the evening.
Current UTC + 2
Someone interested? =))

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27th & 28th week

In this two weeks of 2017 I played these games

  • Hitman: Sniper Challenge
    Hitman: Sniper Challenge

    37 minutes playtime

    no achievements

  • Hitman: Absolution
    Hitman: Absolution

    62 hours playtime

    47 of 47 achievements

Hitman: Sniper Challenge

This is a small mini-game to sweeten the wait for the appearance of "Hitman: Absolution". ^^

You sit on a roof and have to eliminate all 14 bodyguards and the target person with your sniper rifle.
To do so, you can complete 14 challenges, which increase the points multiplier.
And thus can improve your highscore more and more.

Hitman: Absolution

I'm actually quite satisfied that I've needed for this game now two weeks.
And didn't completed it in a day or two!

It's a realy good game and of course you can get through the levels likewise by shoot, but that's not the purpose of this game!

With me it was so that I didn't want to be discovered and when I was discovered, I just reloaded the last checkpoint. ^^

There are moments where you think you will not be seen and then you will be seen,
and when you think you will be seen and then you will not be seen. - It's to smile. =)

I love Hitman - Especially the melody "Ave Maria". =))
I get everytime goosebumps, when I hear it.


26th week

In the 26th week of 2017 I finished these games

  • Mirror's Edge
    Mirror's Edge

    5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Stronghold Crusader 2
    Stronghold Crusader 2

    51 hours playtime

    33 of 81 achievements

Mirror's Edge™

I had expected something else from this game.

Since you don't know which way you have to take, you only run around in the circle all the time and look for a way to not die.
Be it from a too high jump or through bullets of really aggressive policemen!

Some jumps do not work even after the third time, because either the character does not jump if you want, jumps too far or he just can't hold on a edge. - Frustrating!

The videos at the end of each level are always in a cartoon style which I don't like at all - too edged. ^^

Stronghold Crusader 2 - Part 2

The main campaign is still finished.
A total of 8 missions of 2 skirmish trains are still missing.

But the KI is pretty strong!
Basically, you should not allow her to build up, rather you must attack immediately, so that you have a chance at all!
But this does not work with more than one enemy. :/


25th week

In the 25th week of 2017 I finished these games

  • Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk
    Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk

    3 hours playtime

    11 of 11 achievements

  • Stronghold Crusader 2
    Stronghold Crusader 2

    36 hours playtime

    27 of 81 achievements

Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk

This game is really damn short!
I had to even idle the last two cards!

The main game is dead easy in comparison to the bonus adventure.

And without joke: I almost fell asleep in the main game - at the afternoon!

Stronghold Crusader 2

Is a good medieval game and without a good strategy, you have already lost. ^^

I've finished the main campaign, but still missing 3 2/6 skirmish trail, but they're damn hard to master!
But I'll keep trying. =)


24th week

In the 24th week of 2017 I finished these three Steamgift Wins

  • SOMA

    13 hours playtime

    10 of 10 achievements

  • Overlord

    20 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past
    Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past

    3 hours playtime

    15 of 15 achievements


The setting is really cool, reminds me a bit of "Bioshock" because of the underwater world, a game that I unfortunately don't own.
And to "Alien: Isolation", because of the sluice doors and the "creepy monsters". =)
From the interaction possibilities, it reminds me of the YouTube videos, which I have seen about "Prey (2017)".
Lift up and throw away any object. ^^

I've flinched a few times, but on the whole it was not soooo creepy for me. ;)

The game essentially deals with the philosophical question:
Where in a technically advanced future the boundary between machine and human life runs.


Overlord is a nice little hack and slash game in which you can spend a lot of time.
The individual areas are large and without a map or waypoints to find a certain place, lasted with me quite long. ^^
In addition, I had so my problems with the recall of the minions, because my mouse did not want to carry out any further actions from time to time.

Queen's Quest 2: Stories of Forgotten Past

I found this game somehow pretty short.
And you have to constantly prepare some potions, that has me annoyed. :/
The story is quite nice.


23th week

In the 23th week of 2017 I finished these games

  • InfiniPicross

    4 hours playtime

    22 of 22 achievements

  • A Story About My Uncle
    A Story About My Uncle

    10 hours playtime

    7 of 15 achievements

  • Violett

    12 hours playtime

    22 of 22 achievements


I don't know how other solve such puzzle.
I had already with 15x15 my first small problems.

And the 99x50, I haven't managed without help. ^^

Nevertheless, it's a very good game, but I prefer Sudoku. =))

A Story About My Uncle

This game has a beautiful story!

But I find that most of the achievements are very hard to get, because only one mistake is enough and you can restart the level.

Violett Remastered

Finally, after another four times play through, I have now completed this game to 100%!

The constantly same music is in the long run unbearable! :/
And all this only because I did not find these last orbs.

  • Clickr

    7 hours playtime

    11 of 75 achievements


This game is for me very frustrating.
I've played it several times now, but no. - Just no!


22th week

In the 22th week of 2017 I finished Alan Wake to 100%

  • Alan Wake
    Alan Wake

    31 hours playtime

    67 of 67 achievements

Alan Wake

In spite of the negative reviews, which I have a little frightened, I took the opportunity and bought it for 2.79 €.
Before you couldn't buy it in the Steam-Store anymore.

And I must say it is a very good, thrilling game!
Well, the view on the left shoulder is really unfamiliar to me, which is why I'm not very clear at the beginning.

But the story is really great, this really grabbed me and entrained me!
And the music is very well adapted to the individual events.

All in one, a very good game, which I can recommend!

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2568 games (+199 not categorized yet)
80% never played
1% unfinished
5% beaten
12% completed
3% won't play