This month we invite you to venture into stories that are told without any words, whether written or spoken. Afterall, they’re video games. Some words for the UI, or in New Game+ are fine, but the main story for the first playthrough should be told with just images, sounds and music (all nonverbal).
And true to the theme, I won’t say anything else :)
Do I have to participate in this month’s theme?
No, as with every theme, these are merely suggestions for anyone who is unsure about what to play next. If you already have a battle plan for your backlog and/or don’t like this month’s theme, you’re free to ignore it.
What happens if I don’t participate in the monthly theme?
Absolutely nothing.
What happens if I play all the games from the theme list this month?
Still nothing.
I don’t own any of the games from the game list, how can I still participate?
The game list is most likely incomplete. If you own or know of any other games that might fit this month’s theme, feel free to suggest them under the corresponding post.
I already played all the games I own from the theme list, should I play something again to participate?
If it was an awesome game and you’d like to replay it, sure, go ahead. Only replaying it for the theme won’t help you with your backlog though, so if that would be your only reason you should probably think about trying something else instead. (Although, if you have absolutely nothing else to play, you can still do that, I guess …)
I’m a bit late to the party, but I intent to finish Hitman GO. I already started playing it some time and liked it, so this month’s theme is a perfect excuse to beat it.