
Welcome to the hunter's inn!!

Place links to your screenshots here.
and a mention when you have beaten the game would be nice too.

[ Name of game ] ( link to screenshot)
[ Name of game ] ( link to screenshot)
[ Name of game ] ( link to screenshot)
Witcher3 up close and personal

So use this (above) as an example on how not to do it.
Look at Fallen (below) on how to do it right. :)


That’s a good shot, gives me an espionage movie vibe.


Short question to “Up close and personal”. Would this screenshot fit? It is not an animal or kill. But that truck went straight in my direction and was very close. And maybe this as “The writing on the wall”. Although it is not writing, but it is a message (if you know the plot of the game)


Well if the truck was coming to you on purpose meaning the driver was out to get you then yes I would allow it.
For the second one I am actually looking for writing of any kind.
BTW that game looks really awesome! Have added it to my wishlist.


One of the best games I played this year. But a bit too short. 18 Hours for 2 complete playthroughs and additional some replaying for collectibles.
But now I have 100% :D

Edited some of my photos with better matching ones.


I have a quick question… does the star (tier 2) need to be a start in the sky, or just any kind of star? (I found one when I was playing Alan Wake, but is a sheriff symbol)


That’s an interesting case you have.
My intent was to let people be creative
A flower in a field or a flower in a picture would both be accepted.
So I am going to accept the sheriff’s star as well.


Thaaanks :D I’m glad to know that I can use my ‘star’ then \o/


I like your idea little rebel.

Fallen Kal

Yeah, I thought it might work nicely. Here’s the template if anyone else wants to use it:

Tier 1 | A bloody weapon | A torch | A body (in an awkward position) | The writing on the wall
Tier 2 | Twilight sky | Stars | A pretty flower | Garden equipment
Tier 3 | A terminal | Lasers | My pimped out ride | A message in neon
Tier 4 | It has more than two eyes | A mythical beast | A spider | Man's best friend
Tier 5 | The massacre | Death by fire | Up close and personal | Got you in my sights


Thanks for sharing, I’ll use it too it looks really neat!


thanks, will use this template

Lucky Thirteen

Gonna use that table too, let’s keep it organized haha :)


Since everyone is copying from you, I think I’d better point out the typo:

My pimped out ride

Nice template anyway! (:

Fallen Kal

Oh, thanks for letting me know, I wrote it pretty late at night :D Corrected :)


Hey Fallen Kal
Nice screenshots from Dead Island Riptide!
You could just post the link from your steam screenshot page. No need to go through Imgur and such.
Also unfortunately we don’t count endless games for the theme months.

Fallen Kal

Ah, damn, there goes my progress. I don’t like posting screenshots on my profile (as you can see I have none). It’s a personal choice, I hope that’s alright, otherwise I’ll drop out. They are my screenshots, not something from the internet by the way.


That is fine, it isn’t a problem.


Thanks for nice formatting and making things easier for the rest of us :)

Fallen Kal

You’re welcome, I didn’t really think it would be this popular.


Nice, thanks for the template, will make it a lot easier:)


Thanks for the template :)
You made my life easier since I always struggle with formatting

Fallen Kal

You’re welcome, I’m pretty terrible with formatting myself.


Nice work, and I’m happy that you used the picture :)

Fallen Kal

Thanks, the first Monthly theme I actually participated in. The scavenge hunt was quite fun, I hope all my screenshots count. I like the satisfaction Freddie depicts, it was a fitting image :)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch A body (In an awkward position) - Killing Floor 2 The writing on the wall - Zombie Army Trilogy
Tier 2 Twilight sky - Regency Solitaire Stars A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal Lasers My pimped out rid A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire - Zombie Army Trilogy Up close and personal - Zombie Army Trilogy Got you in my sights - Zombie Army Trilogy

I want to be in the pool not casually sitting on the side..

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch A body (In an awkward position) The writing on the wall-Blood and Bacon
Tier 2 Twilight sky- Gas Guzzlers Stars-SOMA A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal-SOMA Lasers-SOMA My pimped out ride- Gas Guzzlers A message in neon- Batman Origins
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes- Strong bad A mythical beast A spider-SOMA Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre-Blood and Bacon Death by fire-Blood and Bacon Up close and personal- Batman Origins Got you in my sights
Lucky Thirteen
Tier 1 A bloody weapon - Rescue Lucy A torch - Dance of Death A body (In an awkward position) - BloodRayne 2 The writing on the… err, “wall” - Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold
Tier 2 Twilight sky - The Emerald Maiden Stars - Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold A pretty flower - The Last Dream Garden equipment - Rescue Lucy
Tier 3 A terminal - The Emerald Maiden Lasers - Steamworld Dig My (kind of) pimped out ride - Shadows on the Vatican - Act I: Greed A message in neon - BloodRayne 2
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes - Steamworld Dig A mythical beast - Disturbed A spider - Disturbed Man’s best friend - Rescue Lucy
Tier 5 The massacre - BloodRayne 2 Death by fire - BloodRayne 2 Up close and personal - Disturbed Got you in my sights - Shadows on the Vatican - Act I: Greed
Finished games The Last Dream: Developer’s Edition, Disturbed, Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold, Dance of Death(spoiler), Steamworld Dig, BloodRayne 2(spoiler), Shadows on the Vatican - Act I: Greed, The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams, Rescue Lucy(spoiler)


Kudos for the table idea to whomever used it first ;)

Tier 1 A Bloody Weapon Fran Bow A Torch Ori and the Blind Forest A Body (in an Awkward Position) Fran Bow The Writing on the Wall The Purring Quest
Tier 2 Twilight Sky Ori and the Blind Forest Stars The Purring Quest A Pretty Flower Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk Garden Equipment Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk
Tier 3 A Terminal Fran Bow Lasers Ori and the Blind Forest My Pimped Out Ride A Message in Neon The Purring Quest
Tier 4 It Has More Than Two Eyes Fran Bow A Mythical Beast Eventide: Slavic Fable A Spider Ori and the Blind Forest Man’s Best Friend Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
Tier 5 The Massacre Death by Fire Up Close and Personal Got You in My Sights Eventide: Slavic Fable

Finished: Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna) 1, The Purring Quest 3, Ori and the Blind Forest 4, Fran Bow 4, Fairy Tale Mysteries 2: The Beanstalk 2, Eventide: Slavic Fable 2


A bloody weapon - Overlord A torch - Guacamelee! A body (in an awkward position) - Octodad: Dadliest Catch The writing on the wall - Afterfall Insanity Twilight sky - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers Stars - Darkness II A pretty flower - Guacamelee! Garden equipment - Octodad: Dadliest Catch A terminal - Afterfall Insanity Lasers - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers My pimped out ride - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers A message in neon - Afterfall Insanity It has more than two eyes - Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack A mythical beast - Overlord A Spider - LIMBO Man’s best friend - Call of Juarez Gunslinger The massacre - Darkness II Death by fire - Overlord Up close and personal - Afterfall Insanity Got you in my sights - Darkness II
Tier 1A bloody weapon - OverlordA torch - Guacamelee!A body (in an awkward position) - Octodad: Dadliest Catch The writing on the wall - Afterfall Insanity
Tier 2 Twilight sky - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers (Potential spoiler) Stars - Darkness II A pretty flower - Guacamelee! Garden equipment - Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Tier 3 A terminal - Afterfall Insanity Lasers - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers My pimped out ride - Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers A message in neon - Afterfall Insanity
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes - Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack A mythical beast - Overlord A Spider - LIMBO Man’s best friend - Call of Juarez Gunslinger
Tier 5 The massacre - Darkness II Death by fire - Overlord Up close and personal - Afterfall Insanity Got you in my sights - Darkness II

Finished: Darkness II (3), Tiny and Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers (3), LIMBO (1), Octodad: Dadliest Catch (2), Guacamelee! Gold Edition (2), Overlord & Overlord: Raising Hell (last boss screenshot) (3), Afterfall Insanity Extended Edition (4), Call of Juarez Gunslinger (1), Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (1)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon - Neverending Nightmares A torch - Neverending Nightmares A body (in an awkward position) - Neverending Nightmares The writing on the wall - The Last Door
Tier 2 Twilight sky - The Moon Sliver Stars - Contrast A pretty flower - The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent Garden equipment - The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
Tier 3 A terminal - Contrast Lasers My pimped out ride - Greyfox A message in neon - Contrast
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast - The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent A spider - Contrast Man’s best friend - Greyfox
Tier 5 The massacre - The Last Door Death by fire - The Last Door Up close and personal - Neverending Nightmares Got you in my sights

Finished Games:
The Secret Order 2: Masked Intent
Neverending Nightmares
The Moon Sliver

Beaten Games:
The Last Door - Collector’s Edition

Tier 1 A bloody weapon (Viking) A torch(Viking) A body(Mad Max) The writing on the wall (Soma)
Tier 2 Twilight sky(Mad Max) Stars (Soma) A pretty flower (Soma) Garden equipment (Bioshock)
Tier 3 A terminal (Soma) Lasers (Astro Tripper) My pimped out ride(Mad Max) A message in neon(Bioshock)
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes(Titan Quest) A mythical beast(Viking) A spider (Astro Tripper) Man’s best friend (Mad Max)
Tier 5 The massacre(Titan Quest) Death by fire (Bioshock) Up close and personal(Viking) Got you in my sights (Bioshock)

Finished Games:
Viking: Battle for Asgard (4 screens)
Mad Max (4 screens)
Soma (4 screens)
Bioshock (remastered) (4 screens)
Astro Tripper (2 screens)
Titan Quest (2 screens)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch - The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky - dUpLicity: Beyond the Lies Stars - Divine Slice of Life; dUpLicity: Beyond the Lies A pretty flower - Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond Garden equipment - Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond
Tier 3 A terminal - dUpLicity: Beyond the Lies; Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond Lasers - Abrix the robot My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes - Demon Hunter: Chronicles from Beyond A mythical beast - The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing A spider - The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Man’s best friend - dUpLicity: Beyond the Lies
Tier 5 The massacre - The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Death by fire - Abrix the robot Up close and personal - Divine Slice of Life Got you in my sights
Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch (Spelunky) A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider (Little Inferno) Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire (Little Inferno) Up close and personal Got you in my sights

Replayed games: Little Inferno


This comment was deleted over 8 years ago.


This comment was deleted over 8 years ago.

Tier 1 A bloody weapon - The Cat Lady A torch A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall - The Cat Lady
Tier 2 Twilight sky - The Cat Lady Stars - Aurora Nights A pretty flower - Viridi Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast - Aurora Nights A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Got you in my sights

Aurora Nights - Finished & Completed
The Cat Lady - Not yet finished, replaying for achievements
Viridi - Not yet finished


That’s actually the first time I can see why Orion has got its name.
Really nice!

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch - Epistory A body (in an awkward position)- Consortium The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars Goat Simulator A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal - Consortium Lasers - Cat on a diet My pimped out ride A message in neon - Lego Avengers
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes - Sword of the stars - The pit A mythical beast - Lego Avengers A spider - Epistory Man’s best friend - Valkyria Chronicles
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire - Lego Avengers Up close and personal Got you in my sights - Valkyria Chronicles

Haven’t beaten all the achievements in Sword of the stars the pit, but finished a round with the warrior this month, so it got ‘beaten’ even if it’s not complete yet. (Dang that game is brutal though)


Yes it counts, hope to see lots more soon ;)


Yeah I’ll keep coming back this post and filling it as the month carries on. Just if I don’t post as I get them I’ll forget about it.


A torch’s screenshot doesn’t work :\
You may want to check the link..


Thanks for the heads up! fixed it now.



Tier 1 A bloody weapon (Dark) A torch A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall (Dark)
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal (Dark) Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon (Dark)
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Got you in my sights

Beaten: DARK
Tier 1 Gore A bloody weapon A torch A body (in an awkward position)¹ The writing on the wall¹
Tier 2 Nature Twilight sky² Stars A pretty flower¹ Garden equipment
Tier 3 Technology A terminal Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 Creatures It has more than two eyes A mythical beast² A spider Man’s best friend³
Tier 5 Skills that Kill The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Got you in my sights³

¹Bioshock Remastered
²Shan Gui
³Playing History - The Plague
Victor Vran


I will give this a try, too. :)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars A pretty flower - Far Cry 3 Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal - Far Cry 3 Lasers - Clustertruck My pimped out ride - Euro Truck Simulator 2 A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal - Far Cry 3 Got you in my sights

Completed Clustertruck on 11. Oct. 2016

</tbody> </table>

Games beaten:
Limbo (15/10)
BioShock Remastered (20/10)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch A body (in an awkward position) - BioShock Remastered</td> The writing on the wall - BioShock Remastered</td> </tr>
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars - BioShock Remastered</td> A pretty flower Garden equipment - BioShock Remastered</td> </tr>
Tier 3 A terminal Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider - Limbo Man’s best friend - Limbo
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Got you in my sights
Tier 1 A bloody weapon - Shadow Warrior A torch - Epistory - Typing Chronicles A body (in an awkward position) - Shadow Warrior The writing on the wall - The Old City : Leviathan
Tier 2 Twilight sky - The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt Stars - The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt A pretty flower - The Old City : Leviathan Garden equipment - Valiant Hearts
Tier 3 A terminal - Dex Lasers - Dex My pimped out ride - Shadow Warrior A message in neon - Dex
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes - Serious Sam 3 A mythical beast - The Old City : Leviathan A spider - Epistory - Typing Chronicles Man’s best friend - Valiant Hearts
Tier 5 The massacre - The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt Death by fire - The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt Up close and personal - Shadow Warrior Got you in my sights - Valiant Hearts

Started ; Serious Sam 3

Beaten : The Old City : Leviathan // Epistory - Typing Chronicles // Witcher 3 (another difficulty) // Shadow Warrior // Valiant Hearts

Completed : Dex

Screens behind the spoiler tag are from not-beaten-yet games.
  item 1 item 2 item 3 item 4
Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch

Costume Quest
A body (In an awkward position)

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars

Costume Quest
A pretty flower Garden equipment

Tier 3 A terminal


My pimped out ride A message in neon

Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast

Costume Quest
A spider

Man's best friend

Tier 5 The massacre

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
Death by fire

Costume Quest
Up close and personal

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2
Got you in my sights

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2

Took the picture used for A body (In an awkward position) before this month, when I had started to play Sniper Ghost Warrior 2.
If this is not ok, here’s an alternative from the same game:


Beaten: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, Outlast, Saints Row IV
Completed: The Bug Butcher, Broken Age, Enigmatis 2: The Mists Of Ravenwood

</tr> </table>

Tier 1 (Gore)

A bloody weapon.


A torch.

Enigmatis 2: The Mists Of Ravenwood

A body (in an awkward position).


The writing on the wall.


Tier 2 (Nature)

Twilight sky.

Broken Age


Broken Age

A pretty flower.

Broken Age

Garden equipment.

Enigmatis 2: The Mists Of Ravenwood

Tier 3 (Technology)

A terminal.

Broken Age


Saints Row IV

My pimped out ride.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

A message in neon.

Saints Row IV

Tier 4 (Creatures)

It has more than two eyes.

The Bug Butcher</p></td>

A mythical beast.

Saints Row IV

A spider.

The Bug Butcher

Man's best friend.

Saints Row IV

Tier 5 (Skills That Kill)

The massacre.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Death by fire.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified

Up close and personal.


Got you in my sights.

The Bureau: XCOM Declassified


(work in progress)

Tier 1

A bloody weapon

The Darkness II

A torch


A body (in an awkward position)

The Darkness II

The writing on the wall


Tier 2

Twilight sky



The Room

A pretty flower

Mind Snares: Alice's Journey

Garden equipment

Mind Snares: Alice's Journey

Tier 3

A terminal

FarCry 3 Blood Dragon


FarCry 3 Blood Dragon

My pimped out ride

Overlord II

A message in neon
Tier 4

It has more than two eyes

Overlord II

A mythical beast

Mind Snares: Alice's Journey

A spider

Overlord II

Man's best friend


Tier 5

The massacre

The Darkness II

Death by fire

The Darkness II

Up close and personal

FarCry 3 Blood Dragon

Got you in my sights

FarCry 3 Blood Dragon

* I realize that’s not really a creature. It’s the BFG 9000. That’s “best friend gun”, right? … well kinda ;) But I’m sure it’s the Doom guys best friend.


Can’t enlarge the images, it’s not a problem but just wondering whether it was intended or unintended.


Hmyeah I set them to private on Steam so I wouldn’t spam the activity feed. Will set them to public later and then everything should work.


Hah it took me awhile before I got the man’s best friend.
I kept thinking how the spaceship fits in the meaning. :)

Tier 1 A bloody weapon A torch - Moonlight A body (in an awkward position) The writing on the wall
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars - Moonlight A pretty flower - Moonlight Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminal Lasers My pimped out ride A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Got you in my sights

Beaten: Schein, …
Completed: Voxelized (I launched it :D), Zup!, Star Sky - ブルームーン, …

Tier 1 (Gore)

A bloody weapon

A torch

A body (in an awkward position)

The writing on the wall

Tier 2 (Nature)

Twilight sky

Star Sky - ブルームーン


Star Sky - ブルームーン

A pretty flower


Garden equipment

Tier 3 (Technology)

A terminal


My pimped out ride

A message in neon

Tier 4 (Creatures)

It has more than two eyes

A mythical beast

A spider

Man's best friend

Tier 5 (Skills That Kill)

The massacre

Death by fire


Up close and personal

Got you in my sights


I don’t know if I should repeat it here or not, but here it is.


</tbody> </table>
Tier 1 - Gore A bloody weapon

Dead Island
A torch

Serious Sam HD SE
A body (in an awkward position)

Dead Island
The writing on the wall

Serious Sam 3: BFE</td> </tr>
Tier 2 - Nature Twilight sky

Serious Sam HD FE

Serious Sam HD FE
A pretty flower

Serious Sam HD FE
Garden equipment

Serious Sam HD FE
Tier 3 - Technology A terminal


My pimped out ride

Spakoyno: Back To USSR 2.0
A message in neon

Tier 4 - Creatures</b> It has more than two eyes

Serious Sam 3: BFE
A mythical beast

A spider

Man's best friend

Spakoyno: Back To USSR 2.0
Tier 5 - Skills That Kill The massacre

Dead Island
Death by fire

Serious Sam HD SE
Up close and personal

Dead Island
Got you in my sights

Serious Sam HD SE
Baron Khazadson

Beaten:Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink
Beaten: The Last Door Collector’s Edition

Tier 1 A bloody weaponThe Last Door A torchThe Last Door A body (in an awkward position)The Last Door The writing on the wall The Last Door
Tier 2 Twilight sky Stars A pretty flower Garden equipment
Tier 3 A terminalClockwork Tales of Glass and Ink Lasers My pimped out ride Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink A message in neon
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes A mythical beast A spider Man’s best friend
Tier 5 The massacre Death by fire Up close and personal Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink Got you in my sights Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink
Tier 1 A bloody weapon (Toren) A torch (Call of Cthulhu) A body (in an awkward position) (Global Ops) The writing on the wall (Lucius II)
Tier 2 Twilight sky (Riptide GP2) Stars (Riptide GP2) A pretty flower (Ghostbusters) Garden equipment (Call of Cthulhu)
Tier 3 A terminal (E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy) Lasers (E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy) My pimped out ride A message in neon (E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy)
Tier 4 It has more than two eyes (Call of Cthulhu) A mythical beast (Toren) A spider (Ghostbusters) Man’s best friend (Mother Russia Bleeds)
Tier 5 The massacre (Mother Russia Bleeds) Death by fire (Lucius II) Up close and personal (E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy) Got you in my sights (Toren)

Lucius II, Global Ops: Commando Libya, Mother Russia Bleeds, Toren, Riptide GP2, E.Y.E Divine Cybermancy,
Call of Cthulhu, Ghostbusters

I hope this is alright, I wasn’t 100% sure how to do the layout. :s


Finished Star Sky - ブルームーン

with 3 screens from T2
Twilight sky
A pretty flower