TODO Hard Mode 15 games

# Game Achievements Playtime
1 Alan Wake [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Long (15-25 hours)
97% (65 of 67) about 44 hours
2 Bastion Short (2-8 hours)
58% (14 of 24) about 13 hours
3 BioShock Remastered [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Medium (8-15 hours) TODO DLC
80% (52 of 65) about 28 hours
4 BioShock Infinite [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Medium (8-15 hours) TODO DLC
52% (42 of 80) about 36 hours
5 Crazy Taxi Short (2-8 hours)
66% (8 of 12) about 2 hours
6 EXAPUNKS Very Long (25+ hours)
56% (9 of 16) about 28 hours
7 Fable Anniversary [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Medium (8-15 hours)
98% (49 of 50) about 40 hours
8 GemCraft - Chasing Shadows [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Won on SteamGifts
99% (418 of 419) about 73 hours
9 Little Racers STREET Short (2-8 hours)
74% (32 of 43) about 13 hours
10 Magicmaker
90% (74 of 82) about 16 hours
11 Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Medium (8-15 hours) Won on SteamGifts
88% (8 of 9) about 9 hours
12 Plague Inc: Evolved
49% (113 of 234) about 41 hours
13 Portal Short (2-8 hours)
80% (12 of 15) about 39 hours
14 SteamWorld Dig [PoP] Beat Again Achivements Short (2-8 hours)
62% (15 of 24) about 5 hours
15 SUPERHOT Short (2-8 hours)
96% (25 of 26) about 19 hours