My alltime favorite list <3 40 games

# Game Achievements Playtime
1 Battle Chasers: Nightwar RPGs, Open-World & Hack'n Slays Want to play soon
46% (22 of 48) about 60 hours
2 Cat Quest RPGs, Open-World & Hack'n Slays Want to play soon
17% (2 of 12) about 11 hours
3 Dead Cells
27% (32 of 121) about 65 hours
4 Deadlight
67% (21 of 31) about 4 hours
5 Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition
about 90 hours
6 Dreamfall Chapters Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2018
69% (41 of 59) about 50 hours
48% (24 of 50) about 90 hours
8 Fallout 4
55% (47 of 84) about 200 hours
9 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™
28% (17 of 61) about 68 hours
10 Life Is Strange Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie
29% (17 of 60) about 16 hours
11 Life is Strange: Before the Storm Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2018
55% (19 of 34) about 32 hours
12 Pillars of Eternity
3% (1 of 48) about 21 hours
13 Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
67% (33 of 49) about 51 hours
14 RimWorld
about 228 hours
15 Sally Face - Episode One Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie
23% (8 of 35) about 6 hours
16 Starbound
50% (26 of 51) about 56 hours
17 The Banner Saga
66% (26 of 39) about 20 hours
18 The Banner Saga 2
33% (18 of 55) about 12 hours
19 The Banner Saga 3 Beaten in 2018 Gifted games from super nice people (NO SG WINS)
23% (23 of 101) about 20 hours
20 The Cat Lady Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie
56% (14 of 25) about 8 hours
21 The Walking Dead Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie
97% (47 of 48) about 14 hours
22 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
36% (28 of 78) about 167 hours
23 Ni no Kuni™ II: Revenant Kingdom Won on SteamGifts
45% (28 of 63) about 79 hours
24 Tokyo Dark Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
28% (12 of 44) about 16 hours
25 Omensight Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
64% (22 of 34) about 10 hours
26 Along the Edge Beaten in 2018 VNs & Gamebooks Won on SteamGifts
29% (8 of 28) about 10 hours
27 Pyre Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
60% (31 of 51) about 22 hours
28 Masquerada: Songs and Shadows Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
59% (16 of 27) about 31 hours
29 Expeditions: Viking Beaten in 2018 Won on SteamGifts
48% (19 of 40) about 80 hours
30 Ash of Gods: Redemption Beaten in 2018 Koop & MP RPGs, Open-World & Hack'n Slays
38% (19 of 50) about 52 hours
31 Exiled Kingdoms
39% (26 of 67) about 44 hours
32 DRAGON QUEST® XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age™ Gifted games from super nice people (NO SG WINS)
50% (29 of 58) about 73 hours
33 Demonheart Beaten in 2019 VNs & Gamebooks
64% (22 of 34) about 8 hours
34 The World Next Door Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2019 Casual Games (without HOGs) & Puzzles VNs & Gamebooks
87% (21 of 24) about 6 hours
35 10,000,000 Beaten in 2019 Casual Games (without HOGs) & Puzzles
78% (11 of 14) about 10 hours
36 Whispers of a Machine Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2019 Won on SteamGifts
40% (10 of 25) about 10 hours
37 Unavowed Adventures, Point'n Click & Indie Beaten in 2019 Won on SteamGifts
25% (14 of 56) about 20 hours
38 Iratus: Lord of the Dead Beaten in 2019 Won on SteamGifts
16% (12 of 75) about 25 hours
39 Dicey Dungeons Card & Boardgames Gifted games from super nice people (NO SG WINS)
16% (8 of 53) about 23 hours
40 GRIS Beaten in 2020 Gifted games from super nice people (NO SG WINS)
42% (7 of 17) about 4 hours