mag-adjacent 46 games


Won on SteamGifts
13 of 13 achievements (100%)


Won on SteamGifts
10 of 24 achievements (42%)

Lovingly Evil

hype PoP Short
0 of 12 achievements (0%)


PoP Short
0 of 44 achievements (0%)

A Juggler's Tale

18 of 18 achievements (100%)

Evoland Legendary Edition

PoP Long
0 of 65 achievements (0%)


Won on SteamGifts
20 of 21 achievements (95%)

Going Under

19 of 23 achievements (82%)

What Remains of Edith Finch

hype PoP Short
0 of 9 achievements (0%)

Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood

No HLTB :(
43 of 93 achievements (47%)

Ittle Dew

PoP Short
2 of 15 achievements (14%)

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night

hype PoP Long
0 of 57 achievements (0%)

Cassette Beasts

110 of 123 achievements (89%)


PoP Very Long
0 of 122 achievements (0%)

Eyes in the Dark

PoP Long
0 of 34 achievements (0%)


hype PoP Short
queued for sync

MMM: Murder Most Misfortunate

PoP Short
0 of 6 achievements (0%)


PoP Long
0 of 34 achievements (0%)


PoP Very Long
0 of 39 achievements (0%)

Life is Strange: True Colors

PoP Medium
0 of 40 achievements (0%)

Beacon Pines

hype PoP Short
0 of 11 achievements (0%)


No HLTB :( PoP Short
0 of 57 achievements (0%)

There Is No Light

PoP Long
0 of 39 achievements (0%)

Children of Silentown

hype PoP Medium
0 of 26 achievements (0%)

The Pedestrian

hype PoP Short
0 of 10 achievements (0%)


PoP Long
1 of 13 achievements (8%)

Patrick's Parabox

PoP Medium
9 of 22 achievements (41%)

Black Book

PoP Long
0 of 50 achievements (0%)

Letters - a written adventure

hype PoP Short
0 of 24 achievements (0%)

Noxious Weeds

No HLTB :(
55 of 55 achievements (100%)

The Darkside Detective

PoP Short
0 of 30 achievements (0%)

If My Heart Had Wings

Won on SteamGifts
11 of 20 achievements (55%)

Solace Inc.

No HLTB :(
29 of 40 achievements (72%)


PoP Very Long
0 of 80 achievements (0%)

Boneraiser Minions

hype PoP Medium
0 of 192 achievements (0%)

Muse Dash

4 of 39 achievements (11%)


No HLTB :(
10 of 21 achievements (48%)

Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition

No HLTB :( PoP Short
no achievements

Night Mysteries: The Amphora Prisoner

No HLTB :( PoP Short
no achievements

Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood

PoP Short
0 of 36 achievements (0%)

Left in the Dark: No One on Board

PoP Short
0 of 13 achievements (0%)

Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek

PoP Short
0 of 11 achievements (0%)

Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride

24 of 24 achievements (100%)

Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan

29 of 29 achievements (100%)

Grim Legends 3: The Dark City

36 of 36 achievements (100%)

Jack Move

0 of 10 achievements (0%)