☂️ Dropped 60 games

Corpse Party

0 of 17 achievements (0%)

The Flame in the Flood

4 of 36 achievements (12%)


0 of 32 achievements (0%)

Victor Vran

18 of 90 achievements (20%)

AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed

0 of 46 achievements (0%)

Epistory - Typing Chronicles

17 of 55 achievements (31%)

Alice in Wonderland

no achievements

Anna's Quest

3 of 39 achievements (8%)


🔮 Won on SteamGifts
9 of 22 achievements (41%)

Her Story

1 of 13 achievements (8%)

ibb & obb

1 of 10 achievements (10%)

Kentucky Route Zero

0 of 24 achievements (0%)

Mini Ninjas

no achievements

Saints Row IV

3 of 73 achievements (5%)

Swords & Crossbones: An Epic Pirate Story

1 of 32 achievements (4%)

Super Star

2 of 32 achievements (7%)

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

5 of 46 achievements (11%)

War of the Human Tanks

2 of 61 achievements (4%)


2 of 21 achievements (10%)


1 of 33 achievements (4%)

Savage Lands

🔮 Won on SteamGifts
5 of 20 achievements (25%)

Trine 2

5 of 97 achievements (6%)

Dead Island

5 of 48 achievements (11%)

Pixel Piracy

queued for sync

Voodoo Garden

3 of 33 achievements (10%)

VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action

8 of 34 achievements (24%)

GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

14 of 419 achievements (4%)

Dragon Ball Xenoverse

🔮 Won on SteamGifts
1 of 50 achievements (2%)

Dead Man's Draw

11 of 20 achievements (55%)

Dungeon of the ENDLESS™

1 of 33 achievements (4%)

How to Survive

11 of 43 achievements (26%)

Concrete Jungle

2 of 13 achievements (16%)


no achievements

Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey Remastered

1 of 60 achievements (2%)

Long Live The Queen

6 of 45 achievements (14%)


5 of 82 achievements (7%)


6 of 25 achievements (24%)

Wrath of Anna

🔮 Won on SteamGifts
0 of 15 achievements (0%)


no achievements

Rollers of the Realm

1 of 32 achievements (4%)


6 of 18 achievements (34%)

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut

1 of 50 achievements (2%)

The Long Dark

queued for sync

The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare

8 of 24 achievements (34%)

Worms Crazy Golf

17 of 29 achievements (58%)

Earthlock: Festival of Magic

🔮 Won on SteamGifts
5 of 25 achievements (20%)


🔮 Won on SteamGifts
2 of 22 achievements (10%)

Pumped BMX +

0 of 22 achievements (0%)

Save the Dodos

🔮 Won on SteamGifts
3 of 43 achievements (7%)

Material Girl

no achievements

Salt and Sanctuary

4 of 37 achievements (11%)

God of Word

2 of 30 achievements (7%)

On My Own

5 of 30 achievements (17%)


0 of 11 achievements (0%)

Unholy Heights

0 of 20 achievements (0%)


1 of 13 achievements (8%)


8 of 27 achievements (30%)

Yoku's Island Express

7 of 31 achievements (23%)

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition

1 of 47 achievements (3%)

This Is the Police

0 of 10 achievements (0%)