The Almosts 14 games
BioShock Remastered
26 hours playtime
60 of 65 achievements
21 hours playtime
24 of 26 achievements
The Typing of The Dead: Overkill
21 hours playtime
32 of 33 achievements
65 hours playtime
37 of 40 achievements
Beat Hazard
21 hours playtime
57 of 63 achievements
Poker Night at the Inventory
3 hours playtime
16 of 20 achievements
Hitman: Absolution
41 hours playtime
43 of 47 achievements
DmC Devil May Cry
35 hours playtime
48 of 58 achievements
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
119 hours playtime
35 of 38 achievements
Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition
58 hours playtime
29 of 41 achievements
Dark Souls III
67 hours playtime
35 of 43 achievements
4 hours playtime
8 of 10 achievements
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
10 hours playtime
50 of 55 achievements
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
49 hours playtime
40 of 63 achievements