Won on SteamGifts 14 games

The Swapper

10 of 10 achievements (100%)

Mass Effect (2007)

no achievements

Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition

29 of 30 achievements (96%)


9 of 12 achievements (75%)


Near future backlog
2 of 14 achievements (15%)

Acceleration of Suguri X-Edition

14 of 18 achievements (77%)

Layers of Fear (2016)

0 of 27 achievements (0%)

Final Fantasy Type-0 HD

41 of 49 achievements (83%)

Fallout 4

0 of 84 achievements (0%)


5 of 19 achievements (27%)

Kero Blaster

3 of 10 achievements (30%)

Wuppo - Definitive Edition

10 of 23 achievements (44%)


10 of 20 achievements (50%)

Aviary Attorney

no achievements