
#5 Progress note - May

This wasn’t good month for gaming, but also wasn’t too bad. I’ve managed to beat some of my backlogg, some of it was made pretty long ago. Achievementwise, I didn’t made too much progress, still around 66% overall completion, but now with 30 perfect games.

In this month on steam:

  • LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™
    LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™

    34 hours playtime

    48 of 48 achievements

  • Spoiler Alert
    Spoiler Alert

    2 hours playtime

    10 of 10 achievements

  • Sid Meier's Civilization V
    Sid Meier's Civilization V

    105 hours playtime

    85 of 287 achievements

LEGO Lord of the Rings is the game I’ve started, and beaten, on March Monthly Theme. Unfortunately, I’ve grown bored of it, had to make almost month length break, and completed it on the beginning of may. It’s good game, but too repetitive, and in easy game doing 100% in this circumstances made it too boring to complete from start to finish. Still, I’ve encountered bug, which I’ve had to solve by using cheat (developers made it to allow people with bugged % counter to get to 100%). And there’s one bugged achievement, in order to get it you need to change settings on v-sync (which is bullshit :P).

Spoiler Alert is a little, short game, in which you play the game backward - from defeating the last boss to start. I’ve had some problem with few jumps - timing is a problem, some enemies are falling from screen when killed - but you’re playing backward, they are coming from bottom, and you need to jump on them. Wouldn’t bought this, I’ve received it with my local magazine, which I buy since 1998, and won’t stop. Altogether - play it, if you don’t have anything better to assassinate (don’t cheat yourself, you have :D ).

Civilization V is the game I love. But this love is toxic, this one turn more factor kills my free time to 0. This month I’ve played around 20h, tried to finish on the biggest map, on king difficulty, as a Shoshones - with tech victory. I’m too new to this game to do this in 200 turns, so I’ve lost on turn 400 because of Greece, which won by diplomacy. Still worth it, thou. And the next game - 3 cities culture victory with Gandhi, but on normal size map - it was fun, fast paced and satisfying victory :D. To not get too bored - I’m taking a break, after some time I’m starting on Emperor difficulty :D

Outside steam:

Kathy Rain on android, part of humble bundle. I love this game. Those old p’n’c games rock, and this one is generally making a good copy of mechanics and the soul of them. Play it, you won’t regret it!
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back on psp - emulated my old disc there. Started this game shortly after 105% completing Crash 3, like 12 years ago, and never managed to complete it. Until this month :D 100% done.

Happy assassinations, may the June post be longer :D