I’m going on vacation! Woohoo!!!
Since the last post I started playing Strata and made Stardew Valley work. I figured after my refund request got rejected I could at least submit my crash reports. So I installed the game again and jokingly called my farm Crashfest Farm. That seemed to work :p Nah, probably something was messed with the previous save file. It’s really addictive. Still had some issues with the game freezing at some point and had to Alt+F4 and restart the day.
Don’t buy it yet! Wait for patches.
Bye bye now! See you in two weeks :)
Have a nice vacation!
(Providing no more ticket cancels)
Enjoy your holiday!
Have an awesome vacation, Quisty! :D
Have fun! Didn’t think a game like Stardew Valley would have any crashes at all considering all the hype. :D
Stay safe and enjoy your holidays o/
Thank you! My ticket was cancelled so I’m traveling tomorrow >.< More backlog to kill meanwhile.
Ugh, sorry for that, I hope it goes smoother after that.