
August & September blabberings

So, 1st of all this one:


I shit you not, it is the best game I’ve ever played!
It was perfect - from the music to the story to EVERYTHING
Some stuff!

  • Prey

    49 hours playtime

    26 of 48 achievements

  • Last Day of June
    Last Day of June

    7 hours playtime

    15 of 21 achievements

  • Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™
    Dishonored®: Death of the Outsider™

    23 hours playtime

    20 of 30 achievements

  • Four Last Things
    Four Last Things

    2 hours playtime

    17 of 17 achievements

  • Tyranny

    34 hours playtime

    14 of 70 achievements


I had a hard time getting into it mostly because I’ve spent what seems like hours picking up shit and nothing more - couldn’t see why people were comparing Prey to Bioshock. To me it was like any other Bethesda game. I came back to it the day after, had fun, started to get curious and then… it did feel like Bioshock! I was alone, not knowing what has happened, wandering, listening to audiologs to make sense out of it.

Last Days of June

A friend gifted it to me Okay lady! Love you! Bye bye!, never heard of it before. I’m glad though it was even a better feeling to go into it blindly.
And the colors… they made amazing things with colors from the warm orange/pink to the cold blue night.
It was incredibly sad though…

Dishonored - Death of the Outsider

The one where you can’t play Corvo!
I had fun buuuut I really love to play with powers and this one has 3… no upgrade. I wish that was not the part they cut when they decided to make a “small” Dishonored.
Also about the Original Game +, when they say you can play with “some” Dishonored 2 powers they really mean some… still three: Dark Vision, Blink & Domino. I started an OG+ thinking I’d play with D2 powers (somehow missed the “some”).

Four Last Things

A little gem - really


I’m still on this one.
Recently I’ve mostly played short games (I don’t have enough time and this is so frustrating to play long games when you know you won’t be able to spend more than 2h every couple of days) but someone sent me this one for my birthday. And damn! this is so great! A little overwhelming in the beginning, I couldn’t possibly remember everything I was reading and made some not-so-good choices that drove me kinda mad at myself mostly - also fuck you Voices of Nerat
It reminds me of Bioware games (I’m thinking DA:O but apparently Baldur’s Gate would me more accurate - never played this one :o)

That’s it!
Won’t say anything about time and stuff because my last post ended with “See you next week because time will bend and I’ll be able to play half of my steam library by then”, took me 2 months to make another one…
All my love to the Viking, the Outsider, the Siren and the Queen (oooh! it sounds like a Borderlands team!)


Your backlog is embarrassing.




It is kinda embarassing though :o


Don’t make me feel bad for mocking you.


Your backlog is humiliating.



Wow, so many amazing games played this month!!! Congrats on the huge progress :3


Mad props for the Animaniacs reference! :D


I’d love to be part of that Borderlands Team! happy

Also, sry for not seeing this crawls into a little hole and hides

Also: Who is looking so intently at me? I never seem to know the ppl you show us o.o
And she (it’s a she, right?) irritatingly reminds me a bit of Jared Leto…. <3

Yep, that’s it! Love ya! smooch


As I said on Steam, no big deal :)
This is Liv Ullmann, here, a less scary picture of her:

or some more:


Well I like the scary one as well :)