Been on the grind for Full Clear Binding of Isaac: Rebirth (Afterbirth+). Honestly, just have to play a whole ton more runs, and get better at the daily runs…
Would Highly recommend for those who love replayability and love a difficult challenge.
With nearly 200 hrs, I thought I’d share some general tips for people trying to get all the achievements.
- ONLY UNLOCK THE JERA RUNE It’s all you need to truly change up a game.
- LEARN THE ITEMS. Some items are just bad and others are must-haves. Especially with some synergies.
- LEARN SYNERGIES AND TRANSFORMATIONS Goes with the above, learning what items to look out for and where they are is really helpful.
- PRACTICE WITH ORBITALS They are super useful, especially early on in the floors when you’re super weak.
- TINTED ROCKS They are lifesavers.
6.GIT GUD In all seriousness, it takes a lot of time and patience to beat BOI. Just keep going at it. Learn boss’s and enemies attack patterns and just keep grinding. Some of this game is entirely luck based, so don’t get too mad when you lose a run.

Hahahah thanks, but it seems like I’m never going to be able to get them all… I just can’t seem to get 5 daily runs in a row!! I always get to 4 and then the RNG screws me or I make some stupid error. It’s really dumb since I’ve done the 5 nights at Mom’s achievement. Honestly, though it was A LOT OF GRINDING and just restarting runs or dying early and continuing to play.
Holy SHIT I’ve never seen anyone with that many Binding of Isaac achievements. That’s absolutely astounding - you have my congratulations.