Posting my attack-plan here helped me get back to The 39 Steps and finish it :)
It’s a nice story, not much “game” in it but you do have to do a little clicking and mouse moving now and then. Some people say you’re better off reading the actual book, but I enjoyed the voice acting and most of the clicking to get the story going.

Congrats on your completion! I played this a few months ago and I really enjoyed it, especially the cut scenes! :D

It’s a really great game, congrats on completing it!

I played this ages ago. I think it’s a pity the response wasn’t good enough to motivated them to do more like it. There are a lot of classic stories that could work well in this format. Funny that stories like this might be ‘cliched’ now, but when they were first written they were the originals.
I played it for the first time just last month. Very neat, I also thought the voice acting was great. I haven’t read the novel, but I got the feeling that this ‘game’ did it justice.
I see it’s your first update, welcome to the site :) Enjoy your backlog hunt!