
Third week of April progress

Once again no games completed :( BUT I should be able to finally put KF2 in the completed pile either later today or tomorrow as it just needs a little ok maybe not so little XP grinding.

EDIT: after A LOT of crashes I 100%ed it just a little bit before the end of the day :) will write about it next week.

End of last week:

  • Pixel Puzzles Ultimate

    668 hours playtime

    858 of 1098 achievements

  • Wanderland

    211 hours playtime

    72 of 81 achievements

  • Tap Heroes

    66 hours playtime

    45 of 50 achievements

  • Killing Floor 2

    181 hours playtime

    184 of 213 achievements

End of this week:

  • Pixel Puzzles Ultimate

    675 hours playtime

    866 of 1098 achievements

  • Wanderland

    213 hours playtime

    72 of 81 achievements

  • Tap Heroes

    95 hours playtime

    47 of 50 achievements

  • Killing Floor 2

    210 hours playtime

    208 of 213 achievements

Note: Tap Heros hours are idle, KF2 ones no so much….. pls send halp

Look into the past

Good news: finally reached the year 2017. Bad news: still 64 games left to go

  • Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova

    2 hours playtime

    10 of 10 achievements

  • Weather Lord: Following the Princess Collector's Edition

    10 hours playtime

    120 of 120 achievements

  • 9 Clues 2: The Ward

    4 hours playtime

    39 of 39 achievements

  • Left in the Dark: No One on Board

    2 hours playtime

    13 of 13 achievements

  • Apartment 666

    2 hours playtime

    2 of 2 achievements

  • SweatShop

    13 hours playtime

    50 of 50 achievements

  • Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles

    5 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink

    3 hours playtime

    19 of 19 achievements

  • Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres

    3 hours playtime

    11 of 11 achievements

  • Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma

    2 hours playtime

    11 of 11 achievements

Vampire Legends: The True Story of Kisilova - Completed in September 2016. You average HOG game, there are many better Artifex Mundi HOGs out there.

Weather Lord: Following the Princess Collector’s Edition - Completed in October 2016. An OK clear the road time management game. There are many better ones out there (especially with better graphic), but this one isn’t too bad either.

9 Clues 2: The Ward - Completed in November 2016. As it goes for most Artifex Mundi HOGs, this one is really good as well.

Left in the Dark: No One on Board - Completed in November 2016. Yet another good Artifex Mundi HOG. I played waaaaay too many HOGs in my life.

Apartment 666 - Completed in November 2016. A really really bad wanna be P.T. game.

SweatShop - Completed in December 2016. I actually liked the idea behind this game, but the problem is that the game is buggy as hell with some really really bad gamebreaking bugs that the dev is apparently too incompetent (straight up admitted to that) to fix which is a huge shame.

Kitty Cat: Jigsaw Puzzles - Completed in December 2016. Pretty easy and small puzzles. The images are lovely.

Clockwork Tales: Of Glass and Ink - Completed in January 2017. Personally I wasn’t too big of a fan of it but it is not a bad HOG.

Time Mysteries 2: The Ancient Spectres - Completed in January 2017. A really nice series of HOGs.

Time Mysteries 3: The Final Enigma - Completed in January 2017. See above.


You do know how end of last week looks just the same as end of this week - on first appearance? ;)
Which is pretty much the same for me. What did I play? Right, Stardew Valley! \o/

Have a great time, sweet mouse! :*


But it isn’t! :P
Hey as long as you enjoy playing it nothing wrong with it :) You too ^^ hugs


True, lots of cheevos have happened! \o/
Yeah, I still do. Although it’s about time to be done with it :D



You’re so close to finishing Killing Floor 2!!! Keep doing your best!!

Same with the other long-term games. I am really amazed at how far you’ve gotten with clearing Pixel Puzzles Ultimate. Keep going!


I have been girding pretty much since I posted it till now and I got 3 achievements left :3 I would keep going till it was only 2 (that will unlock at the same time) but the game decided it was enough and time for a break and crashed :D Thankfully I can watch videos while I grind otherwise I would probably go nuts already.

I put PPU on a break now since I really wanted to get KF2 done before but it should still hopefully be done by the end of the month so I can finally be free :D


Čestitke za KF2! XP grinding pa ne zveni najbolj fajn no.

(Tu pa oprosti, da te izkoriščam še za zmedovanje Kaleith-a. :D Je ravno komentiral eno objavo, ki sem jo napisala v tem jeziku in mu ni bilo najbolj všeč, da ni mogel razumet. Tako da zdaj ko bo videl svoje ime, bo še huje, muahaha!)


Ok, pole je cejt za nasleden korak z slovenščino/primorščino, k je nmorš niti google translatad >:D

Hvala! :D ni niti malo ne, mankajo mi samo še firebug k je na 24 in sharpshooter k je na 20 al 21. Še dobro da lahko gledam youtube na drugem monitorju, da se mi n popounoma zmeša :D


Malo je trajalo, ampak vidiš, da sva ga zdaj ujeli. :D


Haha past je delovala :D


Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita mi ritrovai per una selva oscura ché la diritta via era smarrita. Ahi quanto a dir qual era è cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte che nel pensier rinova la paura! Tant’è amara che poco è più morte; ma per trattar del ben ch’i’ vi trovai, dirò de l’altre cose ch’i’ v’ho scorte.


No cazzo, 0/10.