  • Seasons after Fall
    Seasons after Fall

    7 hours playtime

    21 of 21 achievements

Seasons after Fall - completed

Really nice metroidvania-lite (at least that’s how I would describe it). It’s an exploration puzzle platformer for the most part, non violent (but not lacking sad undertones either). I enjoyed it quite substantially. Not awfully hard or anything, but resonated really well with me :) Beautiful graphics (and the switching seasons mechanics basically allowed you to experience each location in 4 gorgeous pallete swaps ^^) and very pleasant music. If you have it in your library, consider picking it up sooner rather than later ;)

» Seasons after Fall screenshot gallery «

Next up - Jotun! :D
I won this 3 days ago on SG, and I already declared there and then that I will be immediately moving this one to the top of my queue ^_^


Those screenshots are pretty, some of them look like hand-drawn paintings. I really like the colour tones.


pretty looking game.. please let me know how good is jotun.. i have yet to buy/win that game.


From what I played already, it’s mainly focused on fighting giant ass bosses - multistage battles with different tactics to counter and final enrage phase.

The structure of the game is very regular. Tutorial is 1 area + 1 boss (which is not really any less difficult than the others, just the time to get to it is shorter). Main game has 10 areas (2 areas per boss) that one has to venture to (at no specific order) and find runes unlocking the boss gate. The areas themselves didn’t feature any enemies (for now) but consisted mostly of environmental hazards, each map with its unique gimmick. One was a huge lake covered in ice, where it was hard to walk on and maneuver, but there was this giant wyrm swimming under the ice and constantly targeting the player from below, crushing big chunk of ice layer when he attacked; and even if you dodged each time there was less and less ice to walk on the longer it took you to locate the rune there. Other one had a periodic blizzard which did huge amounts of damage if you got caught into it, so it was necessary to hide behind boulders in time and also it featured a maze of small islands so finding your way or shelter wasn’t that easy.

Still, beating the Jotun, the bosses, is the main goal in this game and even achievements support that. There are 5 achievements per boss - only one is just to beat it, the rest feature specific conditions, like beating it under xx second, without god powers, without getting hit or by only using (or avoiding) special mechanics found in that boss area. If that’s your thing you will surely like it. I’m probably not good enough to do even half of those, but I really like the Norse lore, the atmosphere, the main character, the background story that’s unfolding so far, the variety, and the overall aesthetics, so I’ll definitely try to beat it if only on the base level :)