Have been a bit all over the place, playing lots of different games.
But wanted to create this post after finishing walking season 1.
I enjoyed it quite a bit, the 400 days dlc was not as good but glad
i grabbed it for the 100%.
It did not seem to have the same pause option as game of thrones telltale game but gave a bit more time to respond on average which helped somewhat.
Seemed to have a bit more moral dilemmas and a little less action too. But was still very enjoyable experience. I do not have season 2 as of yet so am not sure when I will get to it, but after hearing there will be a season 3, it has piqued my interest.
The next telltales game I plan to play is The Wolf Among Us
I also am enjoying skipping around between the rogue-likes or difficult games in between the more laid back telltales experience X) Also inching forward in a few games I started but left behind.
I totally get what you mean with playing laid-back games like from Telltale. :) They’re such a refreshing change to games that are more skill/goal-focused.
The 400 Days serves as a link between S1 and S2, so it makes a bit more sense if you continue to S2. Your choices from the DLC will transfer in the next season.
ah i see, I really am anticipating it even more now! I liked the characters, it was just such a short glimpse of them. Thanks for the heads up!
Just to correct myself and my poor choice of words: the DLC wasn’t really a link, I think it didn’t really relate to Season 1 did it? But yea.. I’m not going to confuse you more than I already have. :)
Already sold me on it! lol even if its just all about the little girl i still have to play it now! ^ ^
I really recommend it. Enjoy season 2 when you get around to playing it. :)