
Backlog Assassination : September 2019

Bit late at this but here we go for another months of games played, finished, unfinished, liked, disliked (did I dislike a game this month ? Nope, nope I didn’t.. I think..)
I feel (as usual) that I didn’t play as much games as I wanted. I did literally no progress on FFXIV too which is somehow embarrassing as I have my sub running and lately I don’t do much beside the events. Me and my RP partner have health problems so of course when she’s OK I’m sick and when I’m OK she’s sick.


I’m taking the opportunity to remind you that I wrote a whole article to explain How to Lock your Steam Account and that I have a > giveaway < running if you’re curious about what are Time Management games.


10% completed
1% beaten
4% unfinished
84% never played
1% Won't play

Planned Assassination :

Bonus Assassination :

ABC Challenge Progression :

8% completed
0% beaten
15% unfinished
77% never played

I played little game this month, mostly finished some which were already in progress and didn’t do much, but it’s okay, the most important is to have fun right ? We’re not doing this whole backlog assassination because we need it, only because we want it.

This is a reminder to you too, don’t worry if you don’t progress as much as you thought you will. Life will throw you unavoidable balls and it’s okay. Right ? You don’t have to feel bad if you didn’t meet your expectations, it’s about playing games and that’s all, it’s not about passing an exam. So take it easy, okay ?


It sure looks like you played a lot of games in September! It’s all relative, I guess. You did much better than I did.

I think it took me 11h to complete Face Noir and you did it in 3h. :D


I spent some time offline to play it, unfortunately offline timer reset every time you go online and sometimes makes you look like you cheat. I definitely spent more hours on that one and Garden inc (at least 6 hours on Garden inc.) but it doesn’t appear since those were mostly played in offline mode. Also, if you unlock achievements offline, they all activate at the same time when you go online and you look like a cheater so I’m trying to do that only with non achievements games now.