So, this month I didn’t really have much time for gaming. One of the reasons is, that I have a girlfriend now <3 Seems like NoFap ( https://www.reddit.com/r/NoFap/ ) really helps. So, if anyone of you is feeling kinda down, because you don’t have someone who loves you or for other reasons and you do fap then you could try NoFap : )
It can certainly improve your self-esteem, help with depression and so on. There are a lot of negative things that come with fapping/watching porn, so try to stop it.
You certainly won’t be able to stop doing it overnight (if yes, then you have real willpower). You will fail, but you will become better over time, trust me! ; )
And then maybe..some good things might happen to you, just as they have happened to me in the past month <3
“The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.”
So, what did I manage to complete?
I completed:
- Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
I think that`s the only game I managed to complete over the whole month ^~^