Games.. I’ve probably finished throughout the month of May.
Little King's Story
68 hours playtime
25 of 41 achievements
The Last Door - Collector's Edition
8 hours playtime
14 of 16 achievements
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero
2 hours playtime
9 of 11 achievements
The Beginner's Guide
2 hours playtime
no achievements
12 hours playtime
25 of 53 achievements
8 hours playtime
1 of 18 achievements
Tiny Barbarian DX
6 hours playtime
11 of 27 achievements
Insanity's Blade
6 hours playtime
15 of 34 achievements
Little King’s Story I actually did enjoy this game more than I show it. I wrote a negative review for it anyway for anyone with an entirely unknown interest in it. I really did hate the pinball boss and the mountain one (which had very slight bugs that made it annoying, but not impossible). Proper party with high HP can truly change from “what a headache” to “very easy” though.
The Last Door - Collector’s Edition I truly enjoyed this game. I don’t think it’s anything amazing but it was worth playing to me. It at least keeps up its creepy atmosphere throughout the game, but I wasn’t exactly taken in by its story. I guess I enjoyed something more from it that I can’t quite seem to say. The second game was on sale, so I just picked it up (yes, I’m terrible for still buying off Steam) to show a tiny bit of support.
I wonder if Season 2 will finish up the events or if they want to keep going. I still have the minisodes from this to play, though, and I was going through the achievements since I was enjoying it.
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero Fairly short game, and that was enough to not keep it from getting too repetitive. The boss fights are really bad, though, to the point you can just abuse a few. One you can just sword hop on its back until you kill it. Still enjoyed it for the most part, but I really wonder how their next game (which is a prequel) deals with boss fights.
Makes it easier for the speedrun achievements, at least.
The Beginner’s Guide Surprised me that it’s actually rather depressing, or I felt it was. Was entertaining (which feels harsh to use) to play a game that was mostly a person just telling you about a very specific part of their life compared to a usual game. Barely a spoiler, but it’s mostly if you just want to be completely surprised without knowing anything. It’s so short, you may as well find out as you play.
Slime-san It was.. easy to play, and a slight bit difficult to finish. I’m not really a fan of this genre and I hope I don’t try to play any others. This one only had 100 levels (about 4 rooms each) so it was quick to play through with small sessions. Some of the music is pretty cool.. chiptune again, though.
Metrico+ Hm.. this one had me slightly puzzled a few times. Was a bit bland for most of the game that I just tabbed out on and off adding 2 more hours to the game..
Slightly more challenging near the end. I blanked on some of the solutions and gave up on one just to get through the game. I should have figured it out, though.
Tiny Barbarian DX I technically finished the game… but the game is only half complete. I won this 3 years ago, though, so I imagine the person or people that made this have some struggles to not have fixed this. I really enjoyed the boss fights in this but I really did not enjoy the stages. I think they are mostly boring in appearance and boring to play through.
Chiptune fans might enjoy it more, but the music is pretty good, I thought.
This song really reminded me of some popular r&b (?) song that had radio play, or maybe something else. 00:07 to 00:19 is the exact part that reminded me of how similar it sounded. It wasn’t a song I listened to, but only overheard enough to be be reminded of it.
Insanity’s Blade The current game I am playing through and almost to the beaten state. Rather enjoyable except I put it on Manly (which is the the 3rd out of 4th difficulty) and Stage 2 took me hours to get through. A bit from losing life and a bunch from getting killed by the timed death thwomps (spikes) that kill you instantly if it drops on you. Eventually it was just the boss with a laser eye that does deadly damage or maybe one shots you with it. Not hard to dodge, but when you don’t know the pattern you usually die a few times and repeat again.
I learned the hallway the hard way by eventually forcing myself to go slow once I remembered the area with the timed death spikes that come down, but hide completely instead of being shown. You can simply proceed as if nothing is around to kill you instantly and show up at a bad time where the spikes aren’t in view and face a death just being unaware of the death traps around. Just a bit annoying. Feels like a pointless addition with death obstacles, but mostly annoying if you game over and spend the 30 or so seconds going through the menu each time to load your game again.
It could have just given you the option to load your save once you game over, but I guess it wanted to emulate 90s videogames that just game over you to the menu.
Future queue for my most appealing (I think) wins
Stories: The Path of Destinies
0 minutes playtime
0 of 37 achievements
89 minutes playtime
0 of 13 achievements
The Magic Circle
0 minutes playtime
0 of 14 achievements
0 minutes playtime
no achievements
Shelter 2
0 minutes playtime
0 of 26 achievements
The Flame in the Flood
0 minutes playtime
0 of 36 achievements
Mini Metro
0 minutes playtime
0 of 38 achievements
Ryse: Son of Rome
0 minutes playtime
0 of 73 achievements
I’m not sure what I want to play next. I’ve mostly been going through games that I pray are short but end up putting 6 to 8 hours in anyway.
I just know I don’t want to touch anything from the bottom two rows for a while if it shows it organized the way I have it ordered.
Stories: The Path of Destinies and Oxenfree have APG winning weight behind them. Even though I look forward to them (and was enjoying Oxenfree) I just want to mindlessly finish off some smaller and short games just to get them out of the way. Since Stories may take me 20 to 40 hours, I want to hold it off a bit more for now.
I am probably at the point of having very few short games left to play now, though.
Not too sure why I write up these posts. Maybe it will motivate random people to finish their games.
Maybe someone else can suggest the game I can go finish next while I remain undecided and do Shelter since they seem very short.
For me at least writing these posts helps motivate me to play some games I may not have previously chosen, just based off recommendations I’ve read on here or to work on my overall backlog progress. Always nice to receive replies and see how other people’s experiences compared!
I played Stories: The Path of Destinies really recently and finished the game in about 6 hours. It gets quite repetitive once you’ve figured out the four main secrets and finished the main story as you revisit the same areas on repeated playthroughs. I don’t see much point returning to go through the other 20 paths, maybe I’ll do a 100% run in the future but yes that would definitely take it more to 20 hours like you say. So it can a fairly short experience if you want it to be! I really enjoyed it anyway :)
I know it’s not the short game you’re after but I saw LISA in your unplayed game list and it’s one of my favourites games I’ve played, that gets my recommendation to play soon when you have time for it!
I guess I might just not pick any short games and as you said, they probably are mostly done by now so here we go, first things that jumped at me without scrolling to much:
Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood - Ezio is still my fav, and that was a nice one. So there you go :D
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders - don’t have it, want to play it. So you have to suffer from me picking it :D
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller - GOTTA play! <3 Why are there so many ppl who have it but didn’t play it? It’s just awesome!
Hatoful Boyfriend - Play with Birdies?
Mass Effect 2 - no words <3 Yep, I’m a ME Fangirl. Guess it’s official by now :]
NieR:Automata™ - on my WL, curious about it. Again, you have to suffer :D
Remember Me - That was a nice one! And the rewinding was fun ^^
Tales from the Borderlands - <3 Love them tt games (most anyway :D).
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition - Because it’s a classic. If you played them before though, just ignore it ;)
The Wolf Among Us - Another nice tt game. A bit differently told fairytale :]
I’ve looked through. Sry, if that is a long list. Just some ideas from outside. You don’t have to pick one of them :)
Happy backlog killing!
NieR Automata is probably one game I really wanted to play, but I suffered on playing it on Hard in the prologue and one hit kills the boss (almost all of the time) really make a dull experience to restart from the very beginning. Eventually after 8 hours of trying I put it on Normal and finally was able to save the game (you have to finish the prologue to save), but decided to play other games for the time. Playing on Hard or higher (1 hit kills from everything is after Hard) is just masochistic and sort of dumb.
Maybe I’ll get around to Tales from the Borderlands since my main focus are just games I’ve won on SteamGifts and Tales is one of them.
Cognition: An Erica Reed Thrille: my guess is that nobody played it because it was bundled, but still wanted it.
Well, what ever you choose and what ever you play: have lots of fun with it :)