Sometimes you finish games that are somehow not finished.
Finished 2 games after another, that seemed incomplete.
First of was Voodoo Whisperer Curse of a Legend.
The story started of nice. But when you should go to the hotel, you ended going up to the bank. A skip in te story. And with a to be continued at the end, and no part 2. It’s a waste of my gametime.
The one I played after that was “secrets of Hildegard”.
Here was the ending so incomplete, I still wonder what it meant. I summoned something, but wth, did I use it to defeat my uncle, does it attack me. I do not know. Meh, I hate these kind of unfinished games
But on a good note.
I won Dreamscapes: The Sandman - Premium Edition, and I already owned Dreamscapes: Nightmare’s Heir - Premium Edition. So I could at last play this serie.
Finished them both. And these are very good and I enjoyed them. This restored my fate in HOG’s
An other I finished was Lichdom, battlemage. I enjoyed the combatsystem of being a mage. Story I enjoyed as well. But the long walks and constant spawning got on my nerves. Repetitive. Still a game which was worth finishing
Then some unplayable games (for me)
Doctor Watson - Treasure Island, got a headache because of this one
That covers the last 2 weeks of september I think
So another 6 marked of my list, of which 5 are finished
This means, 21% beaten, 12% unfinished, and 2% won’t play/unplayable
So 1/3 down. But I expect there will be much more going on my won’t play list. Mostly platformers and some other genre’s, but I’m still choosing games I might like.
There are still 299 unmarked, So to be continued

21% beaten
Good stats.
Congrats on the progress!