I guess you don’t need me to tell you (but going to anyway) that Elden Ring is a game that is worth at least checking out even if soulslike games are not your thing. They sure weren’t mine and now I’m thinking about buying Dark Souls Remastered at full price because it’s been ages since it’s been on sale.

Join The Serpent King As Family. Together, We Shall Devour The Very Gods.

Very well.
That was also my approximate time to get the plat trophy in Elden Ring. I followed it up by playing the Demon’s Souls Remake and then the Dark Souls Remaster.
Congrats on plat. Off to Bloodborne?
Nah. I’ve played BB like four times. Holding out for a Remake lol. Bluepoint is working on an undisclosed port presently though, so fingers crossed?
Really hope so. :D Thanks for this info, made my day.
Was hoping to see it on the showcase, but next year I guess.
Pretty light on games in general overall. I do need to revisit Spidey after seeing that Venom suit though lol.