
Report #72

First post for 2024. I hope you all had a great start to the new year. I’ve set two goals for myself this year, and they are fairly straightforward. I am hopeful about reaching them.

  • Reducing the overall backlog (Unplayed + Unfinished + Beaten) to 170 games. Status at the start of the year: 186/170. Current status: 183/170
  • Complete at least 80% of the games added in 2024. Status: 7/7 (=100%).


RimWorld (2016) is likely a game everyone has heard of. This colony simulator is often regarded as one of the best games ever made. I played the Vanilla version without DLCs and managed to build up a colony far enough to start a spaceship. I enjoyed the many hours of gameplay, but it wasn’t perfect. It became a bit repetitive at some point. Now, with all the DLCs or the plethora of great mods, that might be another story, so I’m only speaking of the vanilla experience. Of course, such a game is never truly completed, but I consider this game completed. I still prefer Dwarf Fortress, though. Rating: 4/5.

Season Match (2007) is a match-3 game released quite a long time ago in 2007. I played it to get a feel for a game from that genre at that time. While not bad, it’s a bit too repetitive, and the best strategy seems to be to click frantically without paying attention to where exactly. Rating: 2/5.

First Class Trouble (2021) is a social deduction game like Among Us. You try to shut down the evil computer that has overtaken your space ship. It’s not really my kind of game, but I liked the artstyle and setting. It was fun to mess around with the game for a few hours, but I don’t see myself returning to it. Rating: 3/5.

Empire of the Gods (2008) feels like the adaption of a board game, where you try to gather enough ressources by playing a set of cards in the right order. I don’t think I optimized my strategy, but it was still easy to beat and nice for in-between some other games. I don’t see any replay value with it though. Rating: 3/5.

Secret Neighbor (2019) is an asymmetrical social horror game set in the Hello Neighbor universe. I did not really like it that much. I was neither fond of the gameplay nor the artstyle. Too dark and cartoonish for my taste. Rating: 1/5.

Bionic Heart (2009) is a visual novel set in a dystopic future in 2099’s London, heavily suffering from the consequences of a (the?) climate catastrophe. It features fully voiced dialogues and a nice, kind of retro, art style. The story starts out interesting, but I feel like some of the endings require too much moon logic to be convincing. Maybe the developer should have opted for 3-4 logical endings instead of 23 (!) endings. Nevertheless, it’s an okay game in my opinion if you don’t mind weird turns in the plot. Rating: 3/5.

Achievement Cleanup

SkyDrift was actually super quick to finish, I was just too lazy at the time. Still not my kind of game, but happy to have it completed after almost 10 years. Dirt Showdown “only” took 7 1/2 years and some really boring grinding to get the last multiplayer achievement. I’m glad it’s done and I don’t want to play either of the games again – except maybe to help others get the multiplayer achievements.

The first month is not even over, and I’ve already played a ton of games. The best one – RimWorld – was played over christmas though, so technically mainly in 2023. I managed to complete every addition from 2024 so far and still reduce my backlog by a bit, which is great. I’m especially happy that I managed to clear some multiplayer achievements, because I usually prefer to play alone.

I hope you had similar good starts!

Happy backlog clearing,

2024 goals -> Backlog: 183/170, 2024 additions: 7/7.