Arbiter Libera

If it seems like I'm trying to make grab-bags the very last update of every year I assure you that's entirely accidental. Still, I did play some shorter games that wouldn't have really fit the usual wall of text reviews I favor so much making this the best format. Hope you enjoy the read and I'll post the usual End of the Year stuff at the bottom.

About a week or so remains until good old 2024 runs its course. For once I'm not rushing to post this.

Hell of a year this turned out to be. I came THIS close to quitting my job, but I ultimately decided to give it another year to see if things end up changing given the state of European auto industry. I'm not exactly optimistic, though. As far as reviews go: I've ended up stalling on Assassin's Creed Odyssey having only played for five-six hours, been meaning to get around playing some Switch titles which also resulted in a bust, but at least PS5 saw some use for once. Everything I've played can be found below so peruse at your leisure.