I was mostly passively-productive with games since the last post.
I played the following games (but didn’t finish):
Hyposphere is a nice game for what it is, but controlling the ball is a bit annoying, then again that’s the point of the game so I’m not sure if I can complain or not.
Lazarus has an arcade feel to it, and I quite like it, but the server is mostly empty and the game is quite basic, so nothing special for now.
Outland, I gotta say I was surprised by it. I can’t really recall where I got it for free, but I would assume it’s some giveaway elsewhere. Anyhow, back to the point it’s actually a really nice game. The graphics are awesome and the theme works well. The story isn’t breathtaking and doesn’t get much focus, but it’s a platformer so that isn’t a problem. One thing to note is that the controls for keyboard are quite extensive and can be hard to work with, but I (hopefully) will get used to them when making a full run.
Radium is just a generic puzzle game as is, and I don’t see as anything really god or really bad.
Also, I completed “True or False” which wasn’t too bad, but it was far too easy and my play time shows it, in fact, I had to idle after finishing everything to get the cards.
Following that, I completed the single player section of Grappledrome, meaning all I “have” to do now is play online a bunch to give it a good go. So far so good, I like the grapple in the game and makes the shooting more fun. Not exactly my type of fps, since usually, I’m a sniper holed up somewhere, while this game is fast paced and made with the purpose of moving a lot all the time.
This will be my last update for a while cause I’m leaving for vacation (no internet :O ) but I will, of course, be playing the games I have and as such will have some updating to do once I return.
Also, anyone know if there is a way to report bugs without being in the steam group? since that’s where I’m redirected.
Outland was free in the Steam store for a limited time ;) Grabbed it, too (of course I did).
Take care and enjoy your vacation! :)
Ah, that’s what it was. Thanks.