Right, this is my first post so expect this to be as horrible as it can get.
Oh, and no fancy formatting.
So, being the idiot I am, I decided to “join” this website during my exam period, as such my game-activity was rather limited.
To keep this on topic, I will only mention one game: “Alum” seeing as the rest I already started playing before joining here.
I had to split it over multiple days, and just finished it today. Despite the reviews the games story was actually decent, though they weren’t wrong either with how the game forces christianity teachings at you.
The gameplay itself was a-ok, had to do a bunch of back-and-forth to finally find some stuff and what to do with it, but I guess that is generally the case for point-and-click games.
I’d give the game a meh/10.
…See what I mean? absolutely horrible post.
(And I realised grammarly doesn’t work here so yeah, boohoo)

There’s a guide available, so it would be easy enough.
Pretty sure I took a bit more than I should have to get through it all. Also, depends on how quickly you figure stuff out. But I’d say it’ll take around 10 hours for 100%, but you might need to check the requirements for some non-story related achievements since some can be a mystery to get.

Thanks for the reply! 10 hours for 100% is a good benchmark. Knowing me, it will take me double. :p
FYI, in order for people to get notifications of your comments, you need to reply (via the curved arrow) directly to the post of the person you’re responding to. It takes a little getting used to…you see all of these icons and you’re not sure which one to click!
For example, ninglor03 won’t get notified of your most recent comment.

ar, ye, I knew about it, just fell out of my head :/
ty for the reminder anyhow.

Welcome aboard!
Hope your exam stress period is not too… stressing :)
Game a bit to relax. Tends to help! ;)
Hope you’ll feel quite at home here :)
Happy backlog killing!

Haha, problem is, I’m relaxing a bit too much I feel :D

That certainly is a problem! O.O
Sir (or lady hard to tell by profile ;) ) you gotta pimp your gaming skill! Your becoming to relaxed ;)
No, just make sure you have some fun while taking break from learning :)

Gaming skill top notch though.
Played dark souls at age 10 :P
ty ty ^-^

Uhm… I just wanted to give you a bit of stress there. You seem to relax to much :D
Dark Souls at ten? Isn’t that a bit dark for that age? Might be wrong… I played Sims at that age. Gosh, considering my first family died right away, I guess I’m nobody to judge :D It really wasn’t my fault. I just couldn’t figure out how to put the fire out O.O
This comment was deleted over 7 years ago.

Hey, welcome to BLAEO! I actually enjoyed Alum too, it was a perfectly fine point&click adventure. They did force the religion a lot, but I didn’t mind too much.
Anyway, good luck with your future progress!
By the way, there’s this little formatting guide by Imxn, if you want to take a look at it :)
Edit: Oh, I took a quick look at your profile and I see you got Rage Parking Simulator marked as a broken game. Just for the info, it’s not broken anymore, managed to finish all 50 levels and obtain all the achievements just a few days ago ;)

Oh, ty for the info.
It’s still a damn annoying game though :P

If it wasn’t just a re-sold pack of premade assets, I would say it was a good game, as I genuinelly had fun with it. The “another accident” achievs are f@cking annoying though, that’s true.
This comment was deleted over 7 years ago.

I take the low-self-esteem approach, works well on people \o/
Welcome to BLAEO! And don’t worry about the format…some of us enjoy doing that stuff, and others of us find it takes too much work and time. Just write what (and how) you want and you can’t go wrong.
I picked up Alum a while ago and like almost everything in my library, I would like to play at some point…
How were the achievements? You have 14.6h of playtime, but I don’t know if that is a “true” indication of how long it took.