
Alright. I currently got 5162 games.. And they all need to be sorted.. :(

I’m thinking about creating some lists that are more specific. Like installed games that are on my high to-play-list, and another list with very high to-play-list. :P

Fun fact, I created a list with “Games I have 100%’d” before I saw the category “completed games” .. fail.. Oh well xD It’s in order of the times I 100%’d them, which is nice, so I won’t delete the list^^

Anyways, I’ll figure it out and slowly get on to it. I hope you guys have a great time and get working with the backlog! =)

Otter cuddle


good luck on categorizing all those games, it will take a while :D


Thanks! XD And yeah, it sure will ^^’

At least it’s easy enough with games I already finished or played. Hehe. :)


This comment was deleted almost 9 years ago.


Mille! :D


lmxn ! :D <3


Hhaha that’s a lot :D Good luck, we’ve all been through it ! :p


Thanks XD yeah, will just take some time.. :P But well, 1 step at the time ^^


Good luck! That amount of games won’t be easy, but you can do it. :)


Yay! Thanks for the encouragement :3


Over 5000 games and here you are with a plan to fight back.. now that’s persistence. Good luck and have fun!


;D! Oh yes! Well, I already 100%’d 187 of them! So far so good :D and thanks! ^^


And I thought hard to sort less than 200 games when started to use the website but I’m lazy person - don’t judge me
Well, good luck sorting them all, I’m sure you’ll finished faster than you think.


XD Hehe well. Stuff can easily be overwhelming. Even in smaller cases. :) And thanks^^


First post? Welcome!

Sorting games isn’t nearly as difficult as you might expect.
I’d definitely recommend having some sort of “playing now” list. A lot of people here do.


My very first post, yes :3

Yep, that’s what I was thinking! But from what I can see it won’t go into the statistics? Only those that are already made as far as I see. :o


That’s right, custom lists won’t affect statistics.