Spanky Pie
Update: April 30, 2016
Another long-overdue update.. :3
I said I was going through Dying Light. Well, I finished the main campaign, but I kinda want to get through The Following too before doing my review. I did finish Epistory, though, so I made that my Backlog Attack review for April. Check out my review for that here!
I also uploaded a First 18 Minutes video for Epistory on my Youtube Channel!
I went through quite a lot of games since the last update. Check out my list for details.
I also uploaded six total videos to my Youtube page since the last update, including Epistory. I’m starting to have a big backlog of videos to upload, so I’m hoping to keep pushing more of them soon.
That’s it for today. Until next time!
This comment was deleted almost 9 years ago.
Epistory looks really good but the movement looks slow in your video. Did you find it noticeable whilst playing?
It is slow in the beginning, but it is upgradable. There is also an unlockable sprint skill. After the first or second area, it’s not too big of a deal anymore. ^^
Oh, that sounds really nice. Thank you. :)