
Lotheneil vs. The Backlog Hydra, Ep. #16

Ladies and gentlemen - the Backlog Hydra strikes back. With vengeance never seen in the history of my backlog assassinations before.
Targets W and X of my ABC Challenge project list shot down. The latter is my SG win, so I’ve even managed to fulfill requirements of the monthly theme :)

  • Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
    Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War

    16.4 hours playtime

    no achievements

  • Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
    Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic

    18.0 hours playtime

    21 of 55 achievements

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - a typical RTS set in Warhammer 40k universe. The only distinguishing feature is the fact, that your units are organised in squadrons that can have officers and heavy weaponry (if researched beforehand) assigned, which allows some customization and specialization.
Status: complete. Completely linear with no side content whatsoever. I’m not interested in multiplayer (which might be dead anyway).

Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic - roguelike-ish game with turn based combat, retro graphics and quite high difficulty level (with lethal randomness typical for the genre to boot). Don’t get me wrong, the game is quite nice, but I’m really not a fan of the genre.
Status: beaten. I’ve finished one campaign just to warrant ‘beaten’ status and called it a day. Another title saved from the red trashcan by ABC project only.

Backlog killing looked promising… and then a total disaster called the Fanatical bundles happened. I am now a proud owner of quite a few new titles, namely:

  1. Celestian Tales: Old North
  2. Chinese Paladin:Sword and Fairy 6
  3. Dragon Sinker
  4. Empire of Angels IV
  5. World’s Dawn
  6. The Gate of Firmament
  7. Batman: Arkham Origins
  8. Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
  9. Mad Max
  10. ICY: Frostbite Edition
  11. Zenith
  12. Forward to the Sky
  13. The Signal From Tolva
  14. Technomancer

Yup. Quite a lot. A song for today: either “Neverending story” or “Mission impossible”. Your pick :)

But first, to make things a bit more interesting, I’ve decided to join ‘Challenge Me!’ thread. Thanks to one brave soul (thank you, 86maylin) the gauntlet was tossed and thus a new Challenge Me! list was created. As always, wish me luck! ….I’m so going to need it :)


I saw a few giveaways for the Gate of Firmament go up on Steamgifts - now I see where it’s coming from!

I’m sure from a backlog perspective it’s not super great you have all those new games… but it wouldn’t do to eliminate your backlog entirely, right? If you do, you won’t have anything to fight! Your backlog seems to be pretty small anyway with just 9%.


Actually it’s 17%, as my backlog is stored in ‘unfinished’ category (I’m using ‘never played’ for all neverending/oddities), but still - I believe 20 euro for all those games was worth it, backlog be damned :)
I’ll beat my backlog someday, and if not - at least I’ll have a lot of fun fighting it - and that’s all that matters :)