July's Theme: Relax IndiePendently

Please post your entry using the format below.


TITLE with the game title. For example, Stardew Valley.
APP_ID with the game ID. For example, 413150, taken from
PROFILE_URL with your profile URL. For example, or if you don’t have a Steam ID,

* **Has achievements:** [TITLE_1](PROFILE_URL/stats/APP_ID_1), [TITLE_2](PROFILE_URL/stats/APP_ID_2), [TITLE_3](PROFILE_URL/stats/APP_ID_3)...
* **Does not have achievements:** [TITLE_1](PROFILE_URL/screenshots/?appid=APP_ID_1), [TITLE_2](PROFILE_URL/screenshots/?appid=APP_ID_2), [TITLE_3](PROFILE_URL/screenshots/?appid=APP_ID_3)...

You can separate finished games from completed if you want, but it’s not necessary.

If you replayed a game that has achievements and didn’t get new achievements or had already gotten all of the achievements, add it to the “Has achievements:” section, but use the link PROFILE_URL/screenshots/?appid=APP_ID and post screenshots as proof.

If it’s not possible to take screenshots of a game using Steam, take screenshots normally and upload them to Imgur, linking the Imgur page instead of the Steam one.

[Ranking] (in progress)
[List of games] (in progress)
[Main post] (in progress)