I bought a 360-controller. So I can at least play some games more easily. But you have to get used to it, so my start wasn’t that great, and some games got abonded, because i’v got to get more control. So I started playing dirt 3, just to get a hang of it. Sadly I can’t manage the tricks in this game, but at least i’m getting better. Besides dirt I started playing Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine, and just now finished it. Somehow i’m getting better.
Do you people of BLAEO have some suggestions/tips on how to make the best of the controller (except keep practising ofc) And maybe suggest me an other game in my library to master it more and more.
Besides these thing I managed to beat some other games as well. But also managed to win a lot of games in the holiday-season, and even though I didn’t buy a single one my library increased with 15
games | Now | Before | Difference |
Own | 885 | 870 | +15 |
Beaten | 163 | 140 | +23 |
Completed | 75 | 71 | +4 |
Unplayable | 43 | 24 | +19 |
Played but unfinished | 135 | 92 | +43 |
Backlog | 469 | 543 | -74 |
My backlog is decreased with 74 games. But don’t be fooled. I did play a lot of games in my holidays, many a smal one (+20). But a big part of my decrease is because i worked my way through another badge of not categorized

My rule of thumb is if it is a FPS game then Keyboard/Mouse all the way.
Platformers, rpg, racing, controller tops it.
Above is a good list of games that should be used with a controller.
I just got an Xbox controller and before years ago I only used PS3 controller.
I hate the location of X on the Xbox controller, every time a “press X” message appears, always will press X on the controller as if it was a PS3 controller.
So you are not alone who has issues.
Hm, difficult question. I never had the need to master my XBox Controller. It always felt more natural. Well, first you have to keep in mind that not every game is meant to be played with a controller even if it has that option although it got better. With this said you should probably start with games which were meant to be played with a controller. In general this counts for most platformers, 2d beat them up and everything ported from console (makes sense). Some puzzle games work with controller too and even some untypcial genres (examples would be Wasteland 2 (RPG), Outlast (FP), Borderlands (FPS), i think Metro 2033 too). I’m not sure if you want something easier or also with more precision/faster movement in order to train the controls. But I will take a quick look through your library (checked SG wins and unplayed, can also check the others if you wish):
Never Alone: Quite easy platformer and most time slower paced.
There is probably more but I just didn’t play enough games to know the controls of them -_-
Thanks for your advice. I will try several easy ones you suggested.
Just finished Never alone. The story is great. And it was indeed a good game to practice. But these winds can be annoying sometime.