This is the end of april!
well, no, the end is in two days, but because I probably can’t play anything these two days, and bacause whynot, I want to put this as one of my worse months (in gaming) of my life.
Do you know taht felling when you complete some amazing and hard game that was in your backlog for decades?
A game of waves of enemys that come one after another.
Nothing interesting and just one achivement that pop as you kill the frist enemy
This game was born dead.
If you want the achivement, you need to open two instances (one througth steam and one from the EXE) so you can play whit yourself because nobody NEVER play this game.
Mabey it was a cool idea sometime ago. I really dont think so
Somebody will be sad when play this.
I really only can remember the bad fanfics I write when a was in high school.
Is not bad, only…not good.
love the art, but not more
Is a story.
I really dont know what more to say. The art is cool, the voice is good, the music is great.
but is a story.
good music…i think.
Is semi-original, the archivements are easy and is not the worse think i play.
but i really dont think is good
It could be a prety good story. no text so easy.
but the camera is so buggy that i really hate do the achivements
the art is not so good.
the story is so so.
but is a proper VN, 4 good endings, the characters are pasables…for a fanfic.
And i love fanfics. I remember the good ones (can ask if you want)
but this sometimes is at par whit the bad ones
This game is pointless.
and i dont say it, the game say it.
It has cats.
The cats are cutes.
and is a decent pair-two-cards game
This plot can be used in a RPG.
But in this VN, is just…boring
and is incomplete. You know why i dont write a VN? because i dont have a complete story yet. I hate when the story dont end (even the bad ones)
This is te plot of a bad anime? because it fells like.
like, come one, in one ending the put a solution, but i only could say to me: "if you can do that, why you need to make this? why dont end the problem whit the method you have in your hands?"
you know QWOP?
this, sometimes, fells like that.
but is fun to play (sometimes)
if my backlog was not so masive, mabey.
but no more time for this game, not at moment
this is cute.
is heart warming.
… I don’t have that felling
so no, this not fell like a good month.
I have another, and I don’t care that I already put the update:
Do you know Mario Kart? this is the mario kart in home.
is easy to play, could be fun whit friends, can be play in split screen.
but if you want the achivements, you need to become good in the game.
At 150 the IA is brutal.
So, I hope the May could be a good month for the backlog killing.
In this page, it says that I have 7578 game to play and kill.
whit 15 games complete (this ones were too easy I really dont want to count it, but there count), 2 play but not complete, 2 MMORPG that I play for ages and I want to play but my backlog is big, and a couple GBs of rooms for retroarchivements, I only say (for me)