First three games completed
I changed my plans quite a bit and decided to tackle a few short adventures in the broadest sense. I chose some which have no achievements on Steam to be able to flag them as “completed” once I’ve played through them.
I had already flagged the game as “completed” in my first post but felt inclined to write what I think about the game. At first I thought it would be a nice game to play with/as a child, however the game gets progressively darker. I also liked that the characters in the game only speak gibberish, but you still always know what is happening because tone as well as non-verbal communication are very telling. “Brothers” also succeeds in creating an atmosphere that draws the player in. Storywise, it do not think that it is great, but I’ve also experienced worse plots. Overall, I would certainly recommend the game if all these things sound like something you might enjoy. 8/10
An adventure that mostly consists of Hidden Object sequences, but also includes other puzzles, some of which if found quite fun, while others were very annoying. Moreover, the graphics make some of the puzzles harder than they should be because of a high degree of pixelation. However, what annoyed me most were some details. Robinson Crusoe, not having seen a human soul for years, for example, apparently thought it would be necessary to place a “do not trespass” sign near his hut - a stranged thing to do if you’re yearning for human companionship. In addition to that, you can see a ship passing not far from the beach of the island - which makes you wonder if Robinson is even attempting to get off the island. There might have been a few other minor inconsistencies which still bothered me nontheless. Another aspect which left me with a bad taste in my mouth was the question of ethnicity. Robinson is portrayed as English, but so appears to be Friday. However, the latter has to be saved from evil cannibals, which are black. Maybe I’m a bit oversensitive in that regard, but I found the whole constellation a bit unfortunate. The Story is probably known by most people anyway, although there are a few little deviations from it, which however do not improve the plot. Nevertheless, I think that the game is an okay adventure that you can play if you enjoy HOGs and similar games. 5/10
The first thing I thought when starting the game for the first time was how hideous the starting screen is. I’m glad that I decided to try the game anyway, because the quality of the animations in the game itself are of a much better quality. The story is not great, but due to the variety of the minigames (which you can later play again in the main menu) and characters one encounters I found the game enjoyable anyway. Some of the puzzles are very easy, some a bit tedious (and one or two got me stuck), but you have a variety of customisation when it comes to help for these (ranging from rather rough explanation how a minigame works to the option to skip individual ones entirely). Unfortunately, the game failed to draw me in atmospherewise, but because I found most of the minigames quite enjoyable I did not mind. 6.5/10
Further Plans
I might start another adventure, but because I bought the new Mass Effect I expect that my backlog might suffer a bit more in the near future…

Congrats on defeating those games. I found brothers to be very enjoyable. It isn’t challenging at all, but environments are very beautiful and gameplay, while simple, is entertaining. I didn’t know about the other two. Good luck with new ME, I will probably put it on wishlist for a long time…
BTW, could someone tell me how to put the pictures like that? Showing the time and achievements from my profile. I’m new and it’s first time making posts and want to improve presentation. I just managed to post a picture, but it shows only the upper half, without all the information and color line.
Thank you very much, happy killing!

I actually asked the same question the other day, here is the link that explains how to do it: Click me

Ha, I recently completed Robinson Crusoe as well - and have no idea about the story. Funny enough I didn’t notice this bizarre things (ship, keep out sign etc), but I did wonder, why he was that long alone just to stumble on day over cannibals - where were they before that? And yep, Friday confused me as well. More so since his hometown seems to be in the neighborhood and stuff and still Crusoe never met them nor do they look like they life in the south. Irritating o.o
Happy killing ;)
Ah yes, short adventure games. Poor man’s last line of defense when he needs to quickly get some games off his backlog. I know that feeling very well. :D
Glad to hear Brothers is, in fact, a good game. I remember some Youtube personality named it his GOTY when it came out so I wondered how true that statement was. Looking forward to playing it one day.