Update: March 26, 2016
Hi everyone! Another update for today. I played quite a few games today.
Kaiju-a-Gogo: It was a kaiju simulator where you control a monster and you wreck cities. It was pretty fun, but very monotonous.
Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun: This game also feels super monotonous, but not very fun. You play as a dude with a car and you shoot enemies with a very inaccurate gun. And you can buy stuff.
Light Now, this one, I actually enjoyed quite a bit. You play as a square that was in some sort of laboratory, I guess, where they were using you as a subject in something called “Project Light”. It’s an interesting concept with nice stealth-based gameplay.
Lost in Paradise: A point and click game that did not make a good impression. I couldn’t play more than a minute of it. I’m giving up on that one.
Lost World Zero: It’s I guess some sort of first person shooter, but I have no idea what I’m supposed to do, so I gave up on it after three minutes.
I’ll have a First Few Minutes video of the first three up soon.
I also uploaded one video to my Youtube channel for I Am Bread. It’s hard having a slow internet connection. Plus, uploading sort of takes up all my bandwidth, and I can’t do anything else with the internet while uploading something. Sad times. I’m looking for ways to throttle my upload speeds.
That’s it for today. Until next time!
Project Light looks good to me - added it to my wishlist!