Persona 3 FEBruary Edition
I started February finishing ‘The Quarry’ with my wife and continuing ‘Yakuza: Like a Dragon’ but I had to put it on hold because of the release of ‘Persona 3 Reload’.
For me, the Persona series is one of my many favourites and this release meant I stopped with the rest of the games until I finished it.
Oh, I also won the game ‘Celeste’ on Steamgifts and played it to give a micro review to the person who gave it to me…
I played 'Persona 3 FES' for a whole summer on my old PS2 and ended up in love with this game series. Going back to the first Persona I played, with better graphics (Persona 5 style), more content, etc., is like a dream.
I'm loving the experience despite the problem this game always had: the dungeon crawling is super repetitive. The story is cool, having to plan every encounter to get along with everyone…. And now there are events that I didn't remember the PS2 version having! Also, the combat has improved greatly with a lot of aids so you don't have to remember what element did damage to each type of shadow… Great job, Atlus!
It gets a 9 because the nostalgia factor raises the score, and the truth is that I'm enjoying it a lot.
Like other games of this style, this is a "movie" in which you decide the actions (but not the fate) of the characters. In this case they leave enough freedom to remove QTE and other annoying mechanics, because in the end you always mess up with your decisions.
Otherwise we have the usual: a group of annoying teenagers who get trapped in a deadly camp.
Even so, we found it more enjoyable than previous games of this type… maybe it's because you can eliminate the damn QTE.
Just don't expect that the wise choices you make will be the ones that save the character. That's the magic of terror.
Nothing new under the sun since I started playing. I progressed a bit in the story but I still see the seams in these graphics so… early 21st century SEGA?
"One of the best platform games" they said. Well, that's why I entered the giveaway and that's why I was looking forward to trying it out. What I didn't know was what kind of platforms they were referring to: the ones that make you measure every move of a suicidal character through a web of impossible platforms that make you yell at the screen as if you were possessed by a demon and make you want to throw the gamepad against the wall.
Sorry, midcore gamers are more about FEZ than wanting to waste time trying over and over again to beat a level where you die in a different place each time. I miss the super transcendental background of the story, but I'd rather do that than buy a new screen.
Definitely not my cup of tea.

Sorry for adding pain in your life. But thanks for trying. 🙏🏻

Nonono, thanks to you, otherwise I wouldn’t have known if I liked the game or not.
In my day to day life, if there is something new to try I always say “here we have come to play!” (in fact I say it every time I try new dishes in restaurants) 😂

Luckily I know what I pick, so I never get disappointed, but Steamgifts really opened up to new experiments. Some I liked and some didn’t as much. I appreciate you for telling me you didn’t like it. I got lots of people who didn’t bother to tell me that or try it and you were the first one to admit it. It’s what I would rather get than be ignored.
As I said before, feel free to try again for other games, that might interest you. I promise not to always give away difficult ones. I knew it was tough, but also heard so many good things about the game. I guess, some people like suffering. xD

Ah, Persona 3. I only played the original version of Persona 4. Though, my ex-gf played also a lot of P3. The original PS game plus the add-on and the PSP version. Never found the motivation. However, I am eyeing this Steam Version (and Persona 4 Golden), so maybe I will finally play it in the future. Hoping for some lucky giveaway :P Thematically, I also like Inaba more than the city but the Invoker in P3 is definetely the cooler one.
Other than that, I always thought that Atlus skipped a bit on the chance of the shared universe. Considering that P3 and P4 (and P5?) play in the same universe, I always hoped that there will come a game where the protagonist of P4 creates a joint team of the P3 and P4 characters and saves the P3 protagonist from his destiny. Instead of school it would play out later during university time. However, I am not sure if this is still possible with P5 already having released and countless spin-offs adding on the (canon?) story of the games.

I also played P4 on PS2, but I’m especially fond of P3 for being the one that discovered the series for me. P5 Royal is another marvel.
As far as I know, I think the games have cameos of characters from previous editions, but most of the time it’s just mentions: for example, Adachi from P4 appears in P5 on tv (no portrait, just text) as “Suspect Under Investigation”.
It’s a pity that in P3R the cameos of the Portable version are missing. It would have been great to choose the female protagonist and meet the “Man Drinking Alone” (aka Vincent from Catherine).

I can understand the argument for P3 as it was the same for me with P4. My then girlfriend mentioned it at some point and I think I asked my parents to get it for me either on Christmas or my Birthday. Have not yet looked at P5. It is quite flashy to me, especially compared to the tranquil Inaba ^^’
What I find interesting is the trivia about Adachi. This would mean that P5 is very close in the timeline to P4. Either shortly behind or even in parallel. Though, I think before I get to P5 I will try the P3 Steam version. Have just to win it :P

Then I wish you luck with the giveaways 😉
For info, there some assist mode for Celeste, for make the game more friendly, and make it do your own challenge (double jump, infinite dash, infinite jump …)
Even that doesn’t make me want to suffe… play it again 😝