
I was hesitant about this one since the game I will be writing about is free! And that’s a great price if you ask me, It’s none other than The Complex: Found Footage. #12 BTW.

The game is short, You can complete it in around 1 hour, As far as backroom games go, I like this one, It keeps you at the edge of your seat and it does not overstay it’s welcome, I believe it’s just a passion project made by a 17 year old which is nice, As far as backroom goes the map design is nice, The sound design is immersive and it’s visually pleasing.

However, there’s an elephant in the room, Quite a large one at that; The game runs like hot garbage, To the point that at some point people were questioning whether it’s a crypto miner, Which is quite serious but I seriously doubt it since it’s an unreal engine 5 game which uses Lumen for it’s lightning combined with the fact that a single person made it which can probably be written off as bad optimization, The game ran at 40-45~ fps on my RTX 3060 with maxed settings at 1080p.

It’s a solid 7/10, That’s all there is to it.