
I finished rebel galaxy after 27 hours and it was awesome. I already mentioned it’s pros on the previous post so now gonna mention cons:

First of all I had ro reset the entire progression 12 times in order to learn everything and also had to watch a lot of youtube gameplays so I know how to start even. I thought it’s only Rebel Galaxy has this problem but it seems that every space game is like this. Samething happened for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (gonna call it BGD from now) but the difference is BGD is a lot worse since there is a lot less videos availabe and the game really had a lot of options that I have no idea what most of them do even. Also I heard from others that Starfield has the same issue; the game is so vast that you have to spend 4 or 5 hours on walkthroughts in order to start it even.

Sec problem was the soundtrack. Yes Rebel Galaxy has blues rock and country rock songs so I muted the entire soundtrack at the right beginning of the game. I like these genres but not in this game at all. Muting OST made my experience a lot better and made me focus on what I’m doing. Most of the players did the same also.

Third problem is you need to get a lot of secondary missions in order to complete the game. On these 27 hours I played Only 4 hours was spent for the main story and other times were either for reseting progression or taking other missions, however this never became repetitive for me. Traveling is fast if you have a good ship and my ship was Barracuda at the end which is once of the fastest one with best boosts on it. Some players mentioned that you can finish the game with the default ship but nah it’s literally impossible you definitely have to cothat I don’t recommend to buy it. Instead you can get another DB but your costs are gonna be expensive if you have 3 of them and for Sideboards I used Neutron Beams; slow but very effective.

Overall the entire progression except the first hours is interesting and recommended to play but if you want to buy the game, you should’ve played this genre before (this was my first space game) and also wait for a huge discount. You can also win it from giveaways since there is a lot of keys being given away on sg. I won this game on discord.
Totally 7.5/10


Hmm, Nice stuff
This genre is one I never saw myself getting into, We’ll have to see what the future holds for us in store…


I enjoyed Rebel Galaxy a lot a well. I agree with you that it has its fair share of flaws, but overall the good outweighs the bad. Nice to see someone else feels the same way :) Good luck with your next game!