lost in bundle (and elsewhere) ones
i like these BLAEO pages also cause of low numbers. to lower them another bit, this is the stuff i’m finding, while steamgifting.
awesome little one. addictive and dumb enough, nice sounds and pretty pretty lil tanks.
review'd @Steam:
one of those lil things you might gonna miss as soon as you click "Yes", to exit. "lil" is the totally-not-random, right choice of word, here. gives so much: it feels good, addictive, hella fun, kinda perfect. outstanding, surprising music, a dev to follow.
kind of Hexoscope in 3d, with fancier graphics. no achievements (and a ton of clever gameplay), just like its "grandfather".
found thanks to coba
sg-shitty-wins, lost in bundle and awesome
sg-shitty-wins, lost in bundle and awesome. a must (only) if you can cope with very shitty UI and bugs. and RNG. and dices. and…